
Convert a request.path ('/a/b/c/d/') into CSS class names

django, path2css
pip install django-path2css==0.2.3



Author: Keryn Knight
Version: 0.2.2
Release Status
stable (0.2.2) travis_stable
master travis_master

What it does

A small Django package for rendering a request's URL as a series of CSS class names, such that one can target sections or individual parts of a site using CSS only.

It can also look for path specific CSS files, and output those for you.

Generating class names

For example, say all your blog posts are under /blog/, then you might do:

{% load path2css %}
<body class="{% path2css request.path %}">...</body>

Subsequently, going to /blog/, /blog/post/, /blog/post/comments/ etc will all have the blog CSS class added to the body, which you could then use: {...} {...} {...}

Note that blog-post-comments, being the deepest namespace reached, would also have the blog and blog-post classes added.

Request specific CSS files

If you have a URL like /blog/post/4/, using the {% css4path %} tag allows you to load hierarchy specific CSS files:

{% load path2css %}
{% css4path request.path %}

might output the following:

<link href="/static/css/blog.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="/static/css/blog-post-4.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

...if those files exist in one of your static directories. In the above example, I've not created a blog-post.css file, so the template tag knows not to load it for output, because it would be a 404. It should only ever include files that do exist.

This allows you to compartmentalise your CSS files into separate parts, like we used to do in the old days when websites were often hand-crafted and different sections had a different look and feel, or whatever, before the inevitable rise of CMS made things a little more homogenized.


It the stable release is on PyPI:

pip install django-path2css==0.2.2

The templatetags

In case you're already using the class names that would be generated, {% path2css %} takes a prefix=x and/or suffix=y parameter, so that you can re-namespace things without clobbering your existing styles:

{% path2css '/blog/post/' prefix='path-' %}
{% path2css '/blog/post/' suffix='-area' %}
{% path2css '/blog/post/' prefix='pre_' suffix='_post' %}

The {% css4path %} takes the same prefix/suffix parameters, and also takes an optional directory, whose default value is css

The context processor

There's also a context processor which may be used by adding path2css.context_processor to your existing list. It does the same thing as {% path2css %} with no prefix/suffix arguents.

Supported Django versions

The tests are run against Django 1.8 through 1.10, and Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5.


If I ever have a need for it, a JavaScript equivalent that can consume window.location.path or whatever ... and potentially bridges to things like angular, I guess?

The license

It's the FreeBSD. There's should be a LICENSE file in the root of the repository, and in any archives.