
Utility methods for Django + PostgreSQL applications

orm, postgres, django
pip install django-pg-utils==0.1.4



Utility methods for Django + PostgreSQL applications

PyPI version Build Status

What is this?

The utils module provides custom query expressions for Django, built on top of PostgreSQL functions. These can be used as a part of update, create, filter, order by, annotation, or aggregate. As with all query expressions, the computations leverage capabilities of the database, instead of loading data in the Django application.


pip install django-pg-utils
from pg_utils import DateTZ, divide

queryset.annotate(created_date=DateTZ(F('created_at'), '+05:30')
queryset.annotate(speed=divide(F('distance'), F('time')))
Query expression Use case
Date Cast datetime field into date
DateTZ Cast datetime field into date and change timezone if required
Seconds Cast difference of datetime fields (durations) into seconds
DistinctSum Compute SUM of values with the DISTINCT flag
Float Cast integer field to float
NullIf Return NULL if value is 0
divide Divide two integer or float columns and return a float
multiply Multiply two integer or float columns and return a float
add Add two integer or float columns and return a float
subtract Subtract two integer or float columns and return a float
LeftPad Because no package should ever be uploaded without left pad


To run tests with coverage, you will need the coverage package.

pip install coverage
coverage run --source=./pg_utils tests/
coverage report


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