
A Django middleware that adds a HTTP/2 Server Push header to plain Django redirect responses

django, http2, server, push, redirect, preload
pip install django-push-redirect==1.1.0


Django HTTP/2 Server Push redirects

A Django middleware that adds a HTTP/2 Server Push header to plain Django redirect responses.

This approach requires Django to be proxied by a server with HTTP/2 Server Push support. E.g. nginx>=1.13.9, apache2>=2.4.26 with mod_http2 enabled or a CDN services like Cloudflare.


This package is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip:

pip install django-push-redirect


First configure your webserver to enable HTTP/2 and enable server push.

This looks something like this for nginx:

server {
  listen 443 ssl http2;
  listen [::]:443 ssl http2;

  location @python {
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
    http2_push_preload on;

The configuration for Apache and other servers/services is left as an exercise for the reader (in other words, I don't know, please contribute if you do!).

Now make sure Django is able to detect if a request is secure by configuring the SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER setting, e.g.:


Then add 'push_redirect.middleware.Http2ServerPushRedirectMiddleware' to your project's MIDDLEWARE, make sure it's before Django's CommonMiddleware:


This middleware adds the Link rel=preload header on redirect responses that should be preloaded.

If everything is configured correctly you should see that redirects no longer require an extra request the the webserver.

Response opt-out

It is possible for a response to explicitly opt-out from the having a preload header added. This is done by setting allow_push_redirect to False on the response object, e.g.:

def opt_out(request):
    response = HttpResponseRedirect("/")
    response.allow_push_redirect = False
    return response

Inspiration / References