
A way to control allowed and prohibited user names for registration with django-registration.

django, django-registration
pip install django-registration-names==0.1b



A way to control allowed and prohibited user names for registration with django-registration.

The application provides tools (forms, backends, predefined URLs) to help you define which user names are allowed to register in your project and which are prohibited.

You may want to prohibit registration of user names which are "system" in your project, e.g. 'add', 'user', 'profile' etc.


The application can be installed by

python install

Or by using pip:

pip install django-registration-names

Also you can simply place registration directory or symlink to it somewhere on your PYTHON_PATH.


The application is coupled with django-registration application, so you need it to be installed.

To use django-registration-names in your Django project add it to your INSTALLED_APPS:

    # other 
    # other 

After that you can include URLs in project's URLconf, like you'd do with django-registration:

(r'^accounts/', include('registration_names.backends.default.urls')),

Of course, you can also redefine URLs, make your own backends and forms using classes provided. In general, you can act like you'd act with django-registration except that user names will be checked before registration.


The main settings key is REGISTRATION_NAMES. The format is the following:

    "control_type": "allowed",

    "allowed": [
        ("re", "i", "Regexp!+allowed"),

    "prohibited": [

The first key is control_type which can be disabled, allowed, prohibited or allowed_and_prohibited.

  • With disabled no check will be done, all passed usernames will be considered allowed.
  • With allowed the allowed list will be used to check if passed username is allowed.
  • With prohibited all names will be considered allowed except those which explicitly prohibited by prohibited list.
  • With allowed_and_prohibited an username will be considered allowed only if it's aexplicitly llowed by allowed list and not explicitly prohibited by prohibited list.

With each control_type all correspondeing lists are required even in case they're empty.

The format of the lists is the following. Each lists consists of two types of items: strings and regular expressions. Usersnames will be simply compared with string and matched with regexps. Regexps are set by 3-element tuples of strings:

  • The first element is a marker re.
  • The second element is keys. The only possible key now is i of case insensitivity.
  • The third is a regexp pattern.

Of course, it's possible to use 3-element lists or another suitable type instead of tuple.


MIT License


Project initially started by Ivan Yurchenko (


Please, send me a feedback about the app (bugs, examples of usage etc.)