
Handle s3 image uploads via API with some sizing and processing options.

pip install django-s3-image-service==0.0.5




Handle s3 image uploads via API with some sizing and processing options.


  1. Install the app.
$ pip install django-s3-image-service
  1. Add the app and its dependencies to your Django project and configure settings for this service and use the recommended CORS setup if you don't already have one. See Options Explained for more.
    # ...

    # ... other middleware below

# CORS #

# s3imageservice settings



Upload To S3

const img = fileInputNode.files[0];
const sizes = [300, 500, 800]; // optional
const compression = false; // optional

const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('img', img);
formData.append('sizes', JSON.stringify(sizes)); // optional
formData.append('compression', JSON.stringify(compression)); // optional

fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    Authorization: `Token ${YOUR_TOKEN}`, // or whatever auth strategy you use
  body: formData
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {

You may also pass values for the following params in body:

Option Description Type Default Example
sizes An array of sizes to resize the image to. int[] None [300, 500, 800]
compression Web optimize and compress jpg to 80% quality. boolean True True
progressive Convert image to a progressive jpg. boolean True True

Non explicitly sized requests return a response like this:

    "success": "ok",
    "format": "jpg",
    "canonical": "",
    "urls": [
    "img": {
        "src": ""

An explicitly sized request with the sizes [300, 500, 800] will return a response like this:

    "success": "ok",
    "format": "jpg",
    "canonical": "",
    "urls": [
    "sizes": [
    "img": {
        "srcset": " 300w, 500w, 800w",
        "sizes": "(max-width: 300px) 300px, (max-width: 500px) 500px, 800px",
        "src": ""

Options Explained

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_API_AUTHENTICATION_CLASS: An authentication scheme to use for your upload API view. See the official Django REST docs on this for more, or use POLITICO's token authentication service to handle this. Defaults to rest_framework.authentication.BasicAuthentication.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_API_PERMISSION_CLASS: A permissions class to outline access to your API view. See the official Django REST docs on this for more. Defaults to rest_framework.permissions.IsAuthenticated.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_MEDIA_PATH: The path to a local directory in which to save local media files as they are processed. This path is appended to your Django MEDIA_ROOT. Defaults to ''.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_FILE_MB_LIMIT: The limit (in MB) on image file sizes to be processed by the service. Note that your server may have its own limit which will stop uploaded images from making it to the view. Defaults to 100.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The access key ID to your AWS S3 bucket. See the official AWS docs on Access Keys for more. Defaults to None.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret access key to your AWS S3 bucket. See the official AWS docs on Access Keys for more. Defaults to None.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_REGION: The region of your AWS S3 bucket. See the official AWS docs on Regions and Availability Zones for more. Defaults to None.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_S3_BUCKET: The name of your AWS S3 bucket. Defaults to None.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_S3_STATIC_ROOT: The domain mapped to the root of your AWS S3 bucket using tools like CloudFront. Defaults to None.

  • S3IMAGESERVICE_S3_UPLOAD_ROOT: The root to your upload directory in your AWS S3 bucket. Note that images will not be uploaded in this directory. Instead this directory will serve as the root for the date-scheme directory structure. Defaults to uploads/s3imageservice.

Pathing Explained

Django S3 Image service builds multiple paths based on the options set to process and upload your images. For easy readability, those paths are reproduced below using the appropriate setting names in ALL_CAPS and variables produced by the service {in_curly_quotes}.

Local Media Upload

Images are first uploaded to a local directory in order to be processed by the celery task. The proper path is sent to the task and the file is deleted once the processing is complete, so you shouldn't need to worry about it. But if you're wondering why there's an empty directory in your media folder, this is why. Here's the path to the temporary file:

Response: Canonical URL

Once images are sent to the view, it will optimistically return a response to where the images will live on S3. The canonical property in the response will return a URL for the largest-in-size image using the root S3 bucket name and AWS's default pathing. This is useful to get around the cached version of images if you're using something like CloudFront in order to verify that an image has been uploaded without causing a 404 to cache in its place.

This path also serves to illustrate the year/month/day pathing generated by the service to avoid image duplication. No 10-digit random hash should repeat on a given day of the year. Here's a sample canonical URL in a response: / S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_S3_BUCKET / S3IMAGESERVICE_S3_UPLOAD_ROOT / {year} / {month} / {day} / {hash}-{pixel_size}.jpg
Response URL(s)

Once an image is uploaded to S3, the optimistic response will also return a set of URLs for each new size in the urls property. These are similar to the canonical URL except that they use S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_S3_STATIC_ROOT as the domain in order to take advantage of potential caching. Here's a sample of one URL inside the urls array:

S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_S3_STATIC_ROOT / S3IMAGESERVICE_S3_UPLOAD_ROOT / {year} / {month} / {day} / {hash}-{pixel_size}.jpg

Note: Even if you don't use an alternative domain for your S3 bucket, you must still fill out the S3IMAGESERVICE_AWS_S3_STATIC_ROOT option. Consider using as that root if this is the case.


Running a development server

Developing python files? Move into example directory and run the development server with pipenv.

$ cd example
$ pipenv run python runserver
Setting up a PostgreSQL database
  1. Run the make command to setup a fresh database.
$ make database
  1. Add a connection URL to the .env file.
  1. Run migrations from the example app.
$ cd example
$ pipenv run python migrate