
A Python package facilitating the inclusion of encrypted secrets in the Django settings.

pip install django-secret-settings==1.0.0



Secure and convenient secret management for your Django settings!

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Purpose and rationale

django-secret-settings is a Python 3 package designed to augment a 'typical' Django settings package of the structure

├── ...

where the is used to include an environment-specific settings module (e.g., from .development import *). Switching the Django settings based on the server nature (development, testing, production, ...) is particularly easy in such a setup. Additionally, settings that are equal may be extracted into a base module that is imported into any specialized settings module if appropriate. This helps maintaining the settings package by following established design choices (the DRY principle, in particular).

However, in order to avoid any secrets to be part of the settings files in plain text, some custom additional deployment hook must be used to add those secrets at the latest possible time. Depending on the implemented solution, this step might be rather intricate and thus render the deployment process error-prone. More simple solutions, on the other hand (e.g., separately deploying the settings module or even the whole package), tend to make it very hard for a developer having access to the source repository to gain an overview of the available settings, let alone to add new values.

This is where django-secret-settings comes in: Instead of forcibly keeping all secrets out of version control or in a separate submodule (both remains possible), it allows for secrets to be stored as RSA-encrypted JSON files in the repository itself, one 'secret store' per environment: For each kind of server nature, e.g., staging, a directory is placed in a secrets folder. This folder contains multiple JSON-encoded secret files, e.g., django for all Django configuration values and email for username, password and other secret settings of the mail server. In the example given above, the directory structure would resemble

├── secrets
│   ├── staging.pem
│   ├── production
│   │   ├── django
│   │   ├── email
│   │   └── public-key.pem
│   ├── ...
│   └── staging
│       ├── django
│       ├── email
│       └── public-key.pem
├── ...

This way, only one secret per environment remains: The private key file (e.g., staging.pem) necessary to decrypt the various RSA-encrypted files, which is the only quantity that is not kept in version control. Consequently, this remaining secret is still to be deployed otherwise – but separately deploying one single file seems feasible. Further, changing the settings based on the environment remains simple, as django-secret-settings decides based on the name of the private key file (e.g. staging.pem) which settings to load (i.e., in this case). Finally, adding new secrets in a safe manner is possible for every developer having access to the source repository: Simply wrap your secrets in a valid JSON string and encrypt it with the corresponding public key available in the directory of each secret store!



django-secret-settings intends to be minimalistic but opinionated when it comes to production dependencies:

  • Python >= 3.5: Currently, the CI pipeline runs on Python 3.5 and 3.6, testing additional Python versions is the goal of issue #20. Python 2.x will not be supported.
  • OpenSSL >= 3.0.0-dev: OpenSSL is the basis of mod_ssl (Apache HTTP Server) and ngx_http_ssl_module (Nginx) and is probably present if you use SSL (you should). We discourage using older versions due to possible licensing issues.


Besides the requirements listed above, additional dependencies necessary for development are listed in the requirements file. They may, of course, be installed using pip:

pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


It is as simple as running

pip install django-secret-settings

Quick start

Although security is one of the major design criteria for django-secret-settings, the setup and usage of encrypted configuration values remains simple:

  1. Rewrite your settings/ as follows:

    from django_secret_settings.autoload import *
  2. Add environment folders with public keys and secret files according to the schema described above. The secret files contain RSA-encrypted JSON data, e.g. the decrypted django file would look like:

        "SECRET_KEY": "l#!6p7)-4xhy25@pu5$y$%k&7#8a(#1^89=^m*=e69xl**&!11"

    Encryption is to be done using the corresponding public key.

  3. Adapt your specialized settings to use the secret_store:

    from django_secret_settings.autoload import secret_store
    # SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
    SECRET_KEY = secret_store.get('django', 'SECRET_KEY')
    # Other settings omitted for brevity...
  4. Also adapt your deployment to add the private key file designating the settings to use. Optionally, you'll want to add a .gitignore file to your settings package to make sure these secret files are never stored in version control.


A more detailed introduction to the ideas behind django-secret-settings and its usage can be found in the Tutorial.

Things to come

The best is yet to come, I'm sure! Why don't you take a look at our board to browse all open and closed issues? Or if you are interested in the things that are projected to be part of the next release, why not browse our milestones?