
API offering health metrics for the ``django-server-guardian`` app.

django, app, reusable, server, guardian, api, health, status
pip install django-server-guardian-api==0.1.2


Django Server Guardian API

API offering health metrics for the Django Server Guardian app.

Installation and Usage

To get the latest stable release from PyPi

pip install django-server-guardian-api

To get the latest commit from GitHub

pip install -e git+git://

Add server_guardian_api to your INSTALLED_APPS


Add the server_guardian_api URLs to your

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^server-guardian-api/', include('server_guardian_api.urls')),

As a simple auth method add the security token as described in the README of the Django Server Guardian to your settings as SERVER_GUARDIAN_SECURITY_TOKEN

SERVER_GUARDIAN_SECURITY_TOKEN = 'asd0hb42t92-example-token-39gh1g3-91hfosj325'

Add the SERVER_GUARDIAN_PROCESSORS setting where you're endpoint metrics are defined.


The functions defined in this setting must return a dictionary in the following format

    'status': 'OK', # must be one of: "OK", "WARNING", "DANGER"
    'info': 'additional text describing the status. e.g. type of error',

That mean, your API endpoint will, if all is correct, return something like this

        'label': 'mail_queue',
        'status': 'OK',
        'info': "No deferred email queued. That's great!",
        'label': 'other_metric',


If you want to contribute to this project, please perform the following steps

# Fork this repository
# Clone your fork
mkvirtualenv -p python2.7 django-server-guardian-api
make develop

git co -b feature_branch master
# Implement your feature and tests
git add . && git commit
git push -u origin feature_branch
# Send us a pull request for your feature branch

In order to run the tests, simply execute tox. This will install two new environments (for Django 1.8 and Django 1.9) and run the tests against both environments.