
A re-useable Django app for building models that modify Django settings.

pip install django-settings-model==0.3.1


Settings Model

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This Django reusable app implements a base SettingsModel class to allow settings to be edited and saved in the database. For any particular project, you probably want to customize which settings are exposed, so while there is a Settings example implementation that you can use, the abstract model SettingsModel can be used to construct your own settings model(s), and things like webserver restarts are handled in the abstract model class.

The Problem: Sometimes you want to build an app that can be managed by non-developers, and things like timezone, hostname, or SMTP settings may need to be editable from the UI.

The Solution: This app implements a base SettingsModel class that allows you to expose settings to a user interface via the database. It writes these stub settings to separate files which you try/include at the end of your main settings file. This way you have sensible defaults, but when the user created/edits a model file in the UI, those settings override. There is a mechanism to touch the files when saving, so the only thing left to do is either configure your web server to watch those files and reboot when they are touched, or use a tool like incrond to watch those files and trigger your webserver to reboot when they are touched.

How to Use

$ pip install django-settings-model

You can use the builtin Settings model by including this app (settings_model) in your INSTALLED_APPS and running migrations, or you can create your own custom settings model, inheriting from settings_model.base.SettingsModel. If you want to build a custom settings Model, use the Settings model as a reference implementation.

For the included Settings model, you need to add the following to the end of your file:

    from .model_settings import *

If you create a custom Settings model, then ensure you set the __settings_filename__ appropriately (avoid conflicts with other settings models), and ensure you call its .init() class method in the application's AppConfig.ready() method. This will update the settings with the true values (and optionally create an initial settings model instance) on startup.


  • SETTINGS_MODEL_REBOOT_FILES (default []): This is a list of files that should be touched when the settings model is saved to signal to the webserver to reboot. If it is falsy, then the system will try to find and touch the file BASE_DIR/ and the file defined by WSGI_APPLICATION.


Submit a pull request if you would like to contribute. You must only contribute code that you have authored or otherwise hold the copyright to, and you must make any contributions to this project available under the MIT license.