
Serve static pages for a Vuejs frontend

pip install django-sfp==0.7


Django Sfp

Serve flat pages for a Vuejs frontend

  • Fast: no database hits
  • Safe: keep the pages in a version control system
  • Friendly: edit the pages in an IDE
  • Cache: client-side cache thanks to Apollo client


pip install django-sfp


  1. Add "sfp", to your INSTALLED_APPS

  2. Declare the graphql schema in settings:

    GRAPHENE = {
       'SCHEMA': 'sfp.schema.schema',
  3. Add the graphql endpoint url:

    from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
    from graphene_django.views import GraphQLView
    urlpatterns = [
       # ...
       url(r'^graphql', csrf_exempt(GraphQLView.as_view())),
  4. Install the frontend:

Note: Vuejs is supported out of the box but this can be adapted to any frontend

Grab the Page.vue component:


Install the dependencies:

npm install --save vue-apollo // or vue add apollo if you use vue-cli
npm install --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core
npm install --save @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
npm install --save @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome

Font-Awesome is for the spinner loading icon (only this icon will be included in the build, not the whole lib). Vue-router must be installed

  1. Add a frontend generic route:

    import Page from './path/to/my/components/Page.vue'
    routes: [
       // ...
          path: '*',
          name: 'Page',
          component: Page

To make links: <router-link :to="{ name: 'Page', params: { 0: '/myurl' }}"></router-link>


Create a pages folder in the Django project static directory. Any html file you include there will get served as a static page.

For example::

  • The url /about/ will render static/pages/about.html
  • The url /about/team/ will render static/pages/about/team.html

Note: the first line of each file is the title of the page: ex:

My page title
<div>My page content</div>

Edit pages online

To edit pages at runtime you can use django-dirtyedit