
Generate pagination links in Django Templates

django, pagination, page, links
pip install django-smart-pagination==1.0.0



Generate pagination links for Django

Instead of displaying links to all the pages at once, django-smart-pagination calculates a limited subset of them.

Works with Django Templates and Jinja2.


First add smart_pagination to your installed apps:


Use a pagination block passing the Page object, the number of links (literal of variable) and the name to associate the smart_pagination.Paginator object.

{% load pagination_tags %}
{% paginate page_obj num_links paging %}
    {% for page in paging.pages %}
    <li class="{% if page.is_current %}current{% endif %}">{{ page.number }}</li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endpaginate %}

The Paginator object contains the following properties:

first First Page. Will be None if it is already the first page.
prev Previous Page. Will be None if there is no previous page.
pages List of pages.
next Next Page. Will be None if there is no next page.
last Last Page. Will be None if it is already the last page.
{% load pagination_tags %}
{% paginate page_obj num_links paging %}
    {% if paging.first %}
    <li>First - {{ paging.first.number }}</li>
    {% endif %}

    {% if paging.prev %}
    <li>Previous - {{ paging.prev.number }}</li>
    {% endif %}

    {% for page in paging.pages %}
    <li class="{% if page.is_current %}current{% endif %}">{{ page.number }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

    {% if %}
    <li>Next - {{ }}</li>
    {% endif %}

    {% if paging.last %}
    <li>Last - {{ paging.last.number }}</li>
    {% endif %}
{% endpaginate %}

If you are sending the page_kwarg as a query parameter, you can optionally pass a fourth argument with the name of the page_kwarg and the Paginator will provide the query string without the page_kwarg:

{% load pagination_tags %}
{% paginate page_obj num_links paging 'page' %}
    {% for page in paging.pages %}
    <li><a href="?page={{ page.number }}&{{ paging.query }}">{{ page.number }}</a></li>
    {% endfor %}
{% endpaginate %}