
A Django app to send errors to telegram bot.

pip install django-telegram-error-notifications==0.0.2


Django Telegram Error Notifications

At first you have to register your bot first before using it. Go to the BotFather or find it in telegram, then create new bot by sending the /newbot command. Follow the steps until you get the username and token for your bot.

To install app perform the command:

pip install django-telegram-error-notifications

Add application to your INSTALLED_APPS:


After this you should apply migrations:

python migrate

By this action you will add two new models Telegram Bot and Error Messages.

Then add to the settings for your telegram bot:

TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME = '<Your Bot Name>'
TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN = '<Your Bot Token>'
# If you override BotView and set up another URL provide your URL
# Also you can use ngrok utility when you work on local server. 
# Perform `ngrok http 8000` and take URL with https. For example:
# Whenever you change this variable don't forget to perform 
# `python create_telegram_bot` to reassign a webhook
TELEGRAM_BOT_WEBHOOK_URL = 'https://<your-domain>/bot/web-hook/'
TELEGRAM_BOT_PROJECT_NAME = '<Name of the current project>'
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME - Name of your bot that will be used for creating it into a database
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN - Token that was given to you when you created your bot
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_WEBHOOK_URL - This url will receive requests from your bot
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_PROJECT_NAME - This variable is necessary to provide your project name when the error will be sent to your bot
  • TELEGRAM_BOT_ALLOW_SEND_IN_DEBUG_MODE - If you want to send errors to your bot in DEBUG mode switch this variable to True

Then you should specify url in your

from django.urls import path, include

urlpatterns = [
    path('bot/', include('telegram_error_notifications.urls')),

To create a bot into a database and create a webhook for it just use the management command:

python create_telegram_bot

This command will use TELEGRAM_BOT_NAME variable to create a bot

You should necessarily send from your bot any command. It's necessary for getting chat_id and saving it to database. Make sure you did it. For example you can send /start command. You will get I don't know this command. Don't worry. After this command your bot chat_id will be saved into a database.

You can add new commands for your bot. For example, you want to add /start command. Your view that will be responsible for handling telegram commands can be like this:

from telegram_error_notifications.utils import send_message
from telegram_error_notifications.views import BotView

class MyBotView(BotView):
    def handle_command_start(self):
        if and
            message = "<b>I started working</b>"
            return send_message(message,

To handle your own command you should create handle_command_<command> method.