
A Django app for uuid fields

pip install django-uuid-contour==0.2.1


Django UUID Contour Field by japrogramer

General commands affected by use label for ./manage migrate and other management commands other than test label = 'UUIDContour' use name for running tests name = 'uuid_contour'

Use cases: This package provides 4 variations of uuid, (1,3,4,5) The Default is 4

the immutable option equall to True is equivalent of this options being set kwargs['unique'] = True kwargs['blank'] = True kwargs['editable'] = False

To use the uuid1 define a field in your model like this from uuid_contour.fields import UUIDContour class UUID1Contour(models.Model): username = models.CharField(max_length=40) uu = UUIDContour(standard=1) To use it tt = uuid.uuid1([node[,clock_seq]]) # The argument passed to the UUIDContour field can be either a uuid.UUID # or a str representation of a uuid with or without hyphens germane = UUID3Contour._default_manager.create(username='something', uu=tt)

You can use bytes to define a UUIDContour tt = b'\x81[\xb5~\xbc\xa9G6\x80WvIU\x92\xbc\x1e' germane = UUID1Contour._default_manager.create(username='uuid4', uu=tt ) This standard can also take two additional arguments related to uuid1 uu = UUIDContour(standard=1, node=None, clock_seq=None)

To use the uuid3,5 provide standard 3 or 5 class UUID5Contour(models.Model): username = models.CharField(max_length=40) uu = UUIDContour(standard=5)

To use it username = 'some value' tt = uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_DNS, username) germane = UUID1Contour._default_manager.create(username=username, uu=tt )

To filter by a uuid, you can use a uuid.UUID instance or string version of the uuid with or without hyphens class UUID4Contour(models.Model): username = models.CharField(max_length=40) uu = UUIDContour(immutable=True)

And to query by a uuid tt = uuid.uuid4() o_uuid = tt.hex pertinent = UUID4Contour._default_manager.get(uu__exact=o_uuid)

Verifying uuids: if you are allowing a user to set a uuid field, uuid contour provides to regex to match hypenated and unhyohenated uuid str they are ph and pu respectively, they can be crafted into your forms validation