
A tool for easy working with watermarks in django projects from admin panel. Can be integrated with easy thumbnails

django, watermark, watermarks, watermarker, image
pip install django-watermarker==1.3.3



Watermarker is a tool for easy creating watermarks in you Django project. Editing takes place in the admin panel. Watermarker put image (watermark) upon content images, text based watermarks support coming soon.

It works with Jinja2 (django-jinja required)

Tested with

  • Python 2.7
  • Django 1.6, 1.7, 1.8


Via pip:

pip install django-watermarker


Add app name in INSTALLED_APPS:


For Django < 1.7

./ syncdb

For Django >= 1.7

There are migrations in project

./ migrate


After installation model Watermarks will appear in admin panel. Go there, create a new instance, edit it. It's very useful if we need use different watermarks at site pages (this way just create several Watermark-instances)

Little features:
1. Field Title indicates our watermark ( wm_title for example, we will use it a bit later)
2. Upload watermark image
3. In Position choose place for watermarks
4. For positions at corners you can tune X and Y indent
5. Content images get their watermarks when page loads for the first time. By default the library does not redraw
already created watermarks. If you need change it use Update hard. If it is True watermarker change
watermarks for images every time when page loads. Be accurate! It decrease performance very much
6. Is active is an easy way to switch watermark off. There is no necessity to change code

Admin interface example

Watermarks are set to images in templates.

Classic Django template engine

Import and use template filter:

{% load watermarks %}

<img src="{{ image.img.url|watermark:'wm_title' }}" alt="{{ image.title }}">
wm_title - watermark name, from admin panel.  

The way to work with easy_thumbnails:

{% load thumbnail %}  
{% load watermarks %}     

{% thumbnail image.img|watermark:'wm_title' 160x160 as thumb %}
<img src="{{ thumb.url|get_url_safe }}" alt="{{ image.title }}"/> 

If provide watermark name in filter every time for every image system will make query to Watermark table in database to take data. To increase performance you can provide calculated in view instance of Watermark class. We recommend use this mode if it is possible.

from watermarker.models import Watermark

def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
    cd = super(Index, self).get_context_data()
    cd['wm'] = Watermark.objects.get(title='wm_title')
    return cd

In template:
<img src="{{ image.img.url|watermark:wm }}" alt="{{ image.title }}">

{% thumbnail image.img|watermark:wm 160x160 as thumb %}
<img src="{{ thumb.url|get_url_safe }}" alt="{{ image.title }}"/>

Images with watermarks are kept in folder watermark which is created in your media directory.

original images are not deleted!

Jinja2 support

djngo-jinja is required

<img src="{{ image.img.url|watermark('wm_title') }}" alt="{{ image.title }}">
<img src="{{ thumbnail(image.img|watermark('wm_title'), size=(160, 160))|get_url_safe() }}" alt="{{ image.title }}"/>

<img src="{{ image.img.url|watermark(wm) }}" alt="{{ image.title }}">
<img src="{{ thumbnail(image.img|watermark(wm), size=(160, 160))|get_url_safe() }}" alt="{{ image.title }}"/>


By default:
* English
* Russian


For stable fork pillow is required.

If smth wrong this list can possibly help:

apt-get install libjpeg-dev