
A reusable django app for customising form rendering from your template.

pip install django_formrenderer==2.0


Django Form Renderer

Provides template filters that allow you to give you power to render forms however you want.

HTML 5 input types are automatically used for field types that are appropriate.

If a field is required, the [required="required"] is automatically added to the element.

More info at:


pip install django_formrenderer


Simple HTML5 Example

{% load renderform %}
    <legend>Your details</legend>
    {{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/default.html, name, email, phone" }}

    <legend>Extra info</legend>
    {{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/default.html, dealer, comments" }}

Or use HTML 4 (but why would you?)

{{ form|renderform_html4:"formrenderer/default.html, name, email, phone" }}

Add a class name to a field

Append the field name with the class name. Eg. my_field.class_name

{{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/default.html, name.class_name" }}

Add an attribute

Append the field name with the attribute. Eg. my_field[key=value]

{{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/default.html, comments[rows=3]" }}
{{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/default.html, comments[rows=3,disabled=disabled]" }}

Add class names and attributes

Append the field name with the class name. Eg. my_field[key=value]

{{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/default.html, comments.my_class[rows=3]" }}

Complicated Example

{% load renderform %}
    {{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/bootstrap_horizontal.html, name.input-block-level, email.input-block-level" }}
    {{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/bootstrap_horizontal.html, phone, dealer[class=myClass]" }}
    {{ form|renderform:"formrenderer/bootstrap_horizontal.html, comments.input-block-level[rows=3]" }}