
Django middleware class that takes TemplateResponses and renders them with Jinja, instead of the Django stock templating language. For Python 2 or Python 3, and Django >= 1.4

django, jinja, middleware
pip install django_jinja_middleware==2.0.1


Build Status Coverage

This package installs django_jinja, which is a tiny Python package that, when installed as middleware in any Django application, will cause the Jinja2 templating engine to be used in lieu of the stock Django templating language, provided you used a TemplateResponse in your Django view.

It works with Django 1.4 or up. It will mostly work with Django 1.3 as well, but some stock Django views (such as the built-in login view) weren't changed to use TemplateResponse until Django 1.4. It is tested against Python 2.7 and Python 3.3, but Python 2.6 should work as well.


Install the package using pip:

sudo pip install django-jinja-middleware

Then install as middleware in your Django settings file by adding the following class to your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES:


That's it!

Customizing Jinja


The django_jinja package sets some sensible default settings for the Jinja engine.

In particular, it will introspect the template loaders and the context processors given in the Django settings (TEMPLATE_LOADERS, TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS, respectively) and install them in their equivalent forms in Jinja.

In addition, django_jinja will default to adding a line_comment_prefix option of # (that's a hash mark, then space), set the loop controls to on (adding the continue and break tags, if you want them), and set trim_blocks to True.

To make changes to this at the project level, add JINJA_ENVIRONMENT to your settings file, and set it as a dictionary mapping of the keyword arguments to be passed to the Jinja2.Environment callable. Any keyword arguments you specify will override the defaults noted above.


The django_jinja package will add two globals to your templates. The first is url, which is a reference to django.core.urlresolvers.reverse. The second is range, which maps to xrange on Python 2 and range on Python 3.

To add globals at the project level, add a JINJA_GLOBALS dictionary to your settings file. If you specify a global that is set by django_jinja, yours wins.

Other Configuration

The django_jinja package listens to one additional setting:


The JINJA_EXCLUDE_PATHS setting provides a list of regular expressions which, if the value of request.path matches any of them, the middleware will simply do nothing (pass the response through).

By default, this is set to ['^/admin/'], since the Django admin uses its own Django templates, and is generally installed to that URL. If your admin is located elsewhere, or if you need to exclude other paths from this behavior, simply set this setting.


The django_jinja package will add a subset of Django's filters to maximize convenience. The filters that are automatically added are:

  • capfirst
  • date (renamed to format_date)
  • linebreaks
  • linebreaksbr
  • linenumbers
  • pluralize
  • removetags
  • slugify
  • striptags
  • timesince
  • timeuntil
  • title
  • truncatewords
  • truncatewords_html
  • unordered_list
  • urlize
  • urlizetrunc
  • yesno

All of these retain their original names except date, which is now renamed to format_date.

You can add additional filters, or override the ones we've added, by adding a JINJA_FILTERS dictionary to your Django settings file. If you specify a filter that the django_jinja specifies (the list above), then yours wins.

Running the Tests

To run the tests, make a virtualenv, install the requirements that are listed in requirements.txt, and then invoke python tests/


2.0 (September 11, 2013)

  • django_jinja now supports both Python 2 and Python 3.


  • Luke Sneeringer
  • Email:
  • Twitter: @lukesneeringer
  • GitHub:
