
A package that allows you to schedule and unschedule jobs

pip install django_schedulermanager==1.0.1


Django Schedulermanager

Creates two commands schedulejob and unschedulejob that allows you to schedule (and unschedule) background jobs.

If you have a brunch of jobs to start with your backend (e.g, if you have to update your social feed every hour) you can just write the code of the job, mark it with the schedulable decorator and the job will be schedulable with the schedulejob command.

Right now the library uses django-rq + rq-scheduler, but the dependency on django-rq is not needed and will be removed soon.

How to use

  1. Install the library using pip install django_schedulermanager
  2. Add django_schedulermanager.apps.DjangoSchedulerManagerConfig to your INSTALLED_APPS
  3. Write your job code in a module named 'jobs' (Remember to insert the app in the INSTALLED_APPS list)
  4. Import the schedulable annotation: from django_schedulermanager.decorators import schedulable
  5. Mark your function with schedulable. You can pass to the decorator the following parameters:
    • interval: The interval of the function. Required.
    • scheduled_time: When the function should start the first time. Required. It's a function.
    • repeat: Not required, by default None which means 'repeat always'
    • id: The ID of the job. It will also be the name of the job that you have to pass when using (un)schedulejob. Not required, by default None which means 'use the name of the function'
    • queue: The queue to use. By default 'default'

Now you can schedule and unschedule your jobs using python schedulejob <id> and python unschedulejob <id>! Call those in your init script and your jobs should schedule (and unschedule) automatically

See also test-project directory to see an example, if you want to test the project, clone the repository and run the command make testproject, it will copy the django_schedulermanager folder (the library code) in the test-project folder


  • Remove dependency on django-rq
  • If present, read 'queue' from @job annotation
  • Add unschedulejob all to unschedule all the jobs
  • Add a command to remove all the scheduled jobs that don't have a function in the files