Unobtrusive jinja2 integration in Django

pip install djinga==2.1.2



© 2014-2017 Thomas Khyn

Unobtrusive jinja2 integration in Django

Tested with Django 1.8, 1.11 and 2.0 and the latest minor versions of Python 2 and 3 (Django 2.0 only supports Python 3).

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Why djinga ?

Simply because no other jinja2 integration app for django met the requirements of a perfectionist django developer.

Djinga enables you to:

  • Use django and jinja2 templates in the same project with dynamic selection of the template engine to use
  • Extend and include jinja2 templates from django ones and vice-versa
  • Insert django template code into jinja2 templates
  • Turn any django templatetag or python function into jinja2 filters or globals using decorators ... and without creating import loops
  • Extract translation strings from jinja2 templates with django's makemessages management command
  • Access useful jinja2 extensions, such as HTML compression, most django template's native tags and context processors


  • Install djinga using the method of your choice

  • Add 'djinga' to your INSTALLED_APPS

  • Set the TEMPLATE setting as:

          'BACKEND': 'djinga.backends.djinga.DjingaTemplates',
          'DIRS': ['your/first/template/directory',
          'OPTIONS': {
  • Add the relevant options for jinja2 and djinga

How it works

By default, a template will be rendered using Django's built-in template engine if it has a .html, .htm, .djhtml or .djhtm file extension. If it has a .jjhtml or .jjhtm file extension, it will be rendered by Jinja2, using the setting values provided in django's setting module.


Simply add the following options to the 'OPTIONS' section of the TEMPLATES item matching the djinga backend:

      'BACKEND': 'djinga.backends.djinga.DjingaTemplates',
      'OPTIONS': {
         'option1': 'value1',
         'option2': {'key1': 'val1',
                     'key2': 'val2'},

A list or tuple of file extensions (with or without the leading dot) for templates that should be rendered with Django's internal template engine.

Defaults to ('html', 'htm', 'jjhtml', 'jjhtm')


A list or tuple of the file extensions (with or without the leading dot) for templates that should be rendered with Jinja2.

Defaults to ('jjhtml', 'jjhtm')

A function taking as sole argument the path of the template file and returning True if the file should be rendered with Jinja2. Defaults to a function returning True if the extension is in JINJA2_JJ_EXTS
A tuple or list of extensions to be loaded by jinja2 (as python objects or paths to the python objects). Some extensions are shipped with djinga under djinga.ext.*.
The jinja2 globals as a dictionary.
The jinja2 filters as a dictionary.
A tuple or list of module paths to load globals and filters from. This advantageously complements or replaces the globals and filters options. See Adding globals and filters for details.
Any other argument to construct a jinja2 environment may be provided.

Jinja2 extensions

Djinga comes with several Jinja2 extensions:

Provides a {% static 'path' %} tag to refer to Django's staticfiles directory
Provides a {% css 'rel/path/to/file.css' %} tag that generates a HTML link element refering to the css file located at a relative path in a css directory. The css directory's path can be defined relatively to Django's staticfiles directory through the setting JINJA2_STATIC_CSS
Same as djinga.ext.css but generates a HTML script element refering to a javascript file. The js directory's relative path can be set through the setting JINJA2_STATIC_JS
Simply concatenates django's MEDIA_URL to the argument provided
From a PR on coffin. Provides a {% django %}{% enddjango %} tag to include django template language in a jinja2 template. For this tag to work, the django.core.context_processors.request context processor must be enabled.
From coffin Provides a Django-like {% csrf_token %} tag.
Provides a tag for URL reversing, similar to the django templates one.
djinga.ext.htmlcompress.HTMLCompress / SelectiveHTMLCompress
Based on Armin Ronacher's version. Eliminates useless whitespace at template compilation time without extra overhead. Since version 2.0, it also deals with inline javascript.

Django template tags

The following tags are automatically made available in any django template:

Overrides the standard {% extends %} tag and enables it to refer to jinja2 files as well as normal django template files. While the template engine for the current file remains Django's one, the template engine for the extended file can be either Jinja2 or Django, depending on the file extension (in dj_exts or jj_exts)

Adding globals and filters

A straightforward way to add globals and filters and make them available from your Jinja2 templates is to add them to the globals or the filters options in the settings module.

However, this is not always convenient nor possible (import loops), and djinga therefore provides a way to ease this process, through the jj_global and jj_filter decorators in combination with the load_from option.

Basically, the decorators mark the functions as Jinja2 globals or filters, while the setting (a list of module paths) indicates djinga where to look for them.

A short example is better than long explanations, so here we go.


from djinga.register import jj_filter, jj_global

def my_tag(*args, **kw):

def my_filter(*args, **kw)

[] # django 1.8+
      'BACKEND': 'djinga.backends.djinga.DjingaTemplates',
      'OPTIONS': {
         'load_from': ('my_app.my_module',),

[] # django < 1.8

is equivalent to this:

def my_tag(*args):

def my_filter(*args, **kw)

[] # django 1.8+
from my_app.my_module import my_tag, my_filter
      'BACKEND': 'djinga.backends.djinga.DjingaTemplates',
      'OPTIONS': {
         'globals': {'my_tag': my_tag},
         'filters': {'my_filter': my_filter},

[] # django < 1.8
from my_app.my_module import my_tag, my_filter
JINJA2_GLOBALS = {'my_tag': my_tag}
JINJA2_FILTERS = {'my_filter': my_filter}

...with the significant advantage of not requiring a possibly issue-prone import statement in the settings module.

The jj_global and jj_filter decorators are compatible with any of the Jinja2 built-in decorators. They do not affect the behavior nor the signature of the decorated function, so you can use it normally (as a normal Django template tag or filter, for example).

The collected globals and filters are appended to the ones already specified in globals and filters.

makemesssages management command

Adapted from coffin.

Djinga overrides the Django makemessages core management command to include the specific Jinja2 translation tags and ensure the strings marked for translation in Jinja2 templates appear in the translations dictionary.