
Managing GANDI DNS from the file system.

pip install dnsfiles==0.3.0


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This is a simple python script that will allow us to update gandi dns based on some zone files stored on disk.

My goal is to create a free version of the "github in dns" tools. We should be able to use travis to update our DNS provider with the information that we've stored in github. I'm starting with gandi, since that's what I use.

My intention is to write a python script that gets all of the info that it needs from the local directory structure. Then we can deploy that script to pypi. Then, we simply setup a travis build with this script in requirements.txt, a command to run the script, and our DNS API credentials encrypted in the .travis.yml file.

So your .travis.yml file would look something like this: (pending actually writing the script)

language: python
  - "3.4"
  - "pip install github-dns"
script: "github-dns"
  - secure: <encrypted gandi creds>

Then you setup a travis build and you're good to go.