
Dynamic DNS implementation, that relies on DNSimple.com.

pip install dnsimple-dyndns==0.1



Dynamic DNS implementation, that relies on DNSimple.com

This is a simple script that updates (and creates, if needed) an A domain record for any DNSimple.com managed domain. It is designed to be run as a hook script right after the WAN connection.


usage: dnsimple-dyndns [-h] [-v] [-t TTL] [-i IP]
                       DOMAIN DOMAIN-TOKEN RECORD-NAME

Dynamic DNS implementation, that relies on DNSimple.com.

positional arguments:
  DOMAIN             domain controlled by DNSimple.com
  DOMAIN-TOKEN       DNSimple.com domain API key.
  RECORD-NAME        name of the record to be updated.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -v, --version      show program's version number and exit
  -t TTL, --ttl TTL  DNS record TTL, defaults to 60
  -i IP, --ip IP     IP address, defaults to current external address from

Running on Gentoo with OpenRC

To run this script on Gentoo with OpenRC, you should emerge the dnsimple-dyndns package:

# emerge -av dnsimple-dyndns

Then add the following function to your /etc/conf.d/net file (or edit your postup function, if already exists):

postup() {
    if [[ "${IFACE}" = "enp3s0" ]]; then
        einfo "Updated DNS record: $(dnsimple-dyndns example.com your-domain-token home)"
        einfo "Ignoring interface: ${IFACE}"

Replace enp3s0 with your WAN interface, example.com with your DNSimple.com managed domain, your-domain-token with your DNSimple.com domain token (see http://developer.dnsimple.com/authentication/#dnsimple-domain-token) and home with your desired DNS record name.

Running as a dhcpcd hook

To run this script as a dhcpcd hook, you should add this content to your /etc/dhcpcd.exit-hook file:

if ${if_up} && [[ "${interface}" = "enp3s0" ]]; then
    syslog info "Updated DNS record: $(dnsimple-dyndns --ip "${new_ip_address}" example.com your-domain-token home)"

Replace enp3s0 with your WAN interface, example.com with your DNSimple.com managed domain, your-domain-token with your DNSimple.com domain token (see http://developer.dnsimple.com/authentication/#dnsimple-domain-token) and home with your desired DNS record name.