
A Python wrapper for communicating with the Dorcas API

pip install dorcas-sdk-python==0.0.1


Dorcas Python3 SDK

A Python library for interacting with the Dorcas API. It makes it easy to access the API services directly from your Python project.

Example Usage

from dorcas_sdk_python import Sdk

client_id = 'jAGOn0aygL'
client_secret = '7CDouHd526pbPubv4fFLRnw5uWjKeaIh0ymsjJ39'
sdk = Sdk(client_id, client_secret, environment='local')
plans = sdk('resource', 'Plan')
plans.add_query_param('search', 'Pre')
response = plans.send('get')
response = response.send(method='post')
if response.is_successful():
    print('Something went wrong')


Getting Started

To get started, the first thing you need to do is create a developer account on the Dorcas developer site.
You should follow the instructions inside the documentation.

Using the Package

The package was built to simplify the process of communicating with the API, and using it can be summed up into 5 steps (excluding import statements):

  1. Instantiate the SDK
  2. Create the Resource, or Service instance
  3. Set your payload (body, or query)
  4. Send the request, and receive a DorcasResponse instance as the return value
  5. Use the DorcasResponse object

Below is an example:

from dorcas_sdk_python import Sdk

sdk = Sdk('jAGOn0aygL', '7CDouHd526pbPubv4fFLRnw5uWjKeaIh0ymsjJ39', environment='local')  # step 1

password_login = sdk('service', 'PasswordLogin')    # step 2

password_login.add_body_param('username', '')   # step 3
password_login.add_body_param('password', 'awesome secure uncrackable password')    # step 3

response = password_login.send(method='post')   # step 4

if response.is_successful():    # step 5
    print('Access Token: {}'.format(response.access_token))
    print('Login failed')

The Sdk object

The Sdk class allows you to set your API authentication details:

  • client_id
  • client_secret

It also allows you to choose an environment, you should either set it to:

  • production : for the live Dorcas API
  • staging: for the Dorcas testing API

The environment you choose decides which endpoint your requests are sent to.

Model Types

There are 2 kinds of models represented on this library, they are:

  • Resource(s): these kind of models almost always require the call to be authenticated. They usually point to database records. This means Resource models are always mapped to database records. E.g. Product maps to Product records on the API

  • Service(s): these kind of models usually refer to things that aren;t actually records in the database as you'd expect. For instance, the PasswordLogin service is strictly used for authenticating a user.

The Sdk object makes it easy to instantiate these models; it can be done manually as well. To instantiate a model, you do like so:

from dorcas_sdk_python import Sdk

sdk = Sdk('jAGOn0aygL', '7CDouHd526pbPubv4fFLRnw5uWjKeaIh0ymsjJ39', environment='local')

resource = sdk('resource', 'ResourceModelClassName')    # we use the Sdk instance object
service = sdk('service', 'ServiceModelClassName')

All Resource models extend the base Resource class, while Service models extend the base Service class.

NOTE: When instantiating the models, you can also pass in additional keyword parameters to the call, and they'll also be passed to the constructor of the model class, and are collected in an option property on the instance. You can make the call like so:

from dorcas_sdk_python import Sdk

sdk = Sdk('jAGOn0aygL', '7CDouHd526pbPubv4fFLRnw5uWjKeaIh0ymsjJ39', environment='local')

resource = sdk('resource', 'ResourceModelClassName', length=5, tag='general')    # we use the Sdk instance object
service = sdk('service', 'ServiceModelClassName', name='growth hacking')

print(resource.option.tag)  # general
print(  # growth hacking

This is useful for situations where you create your own custom Service, or Resource classes.


Most of the calls to the API require the caller to be authenticated; this mean, it must contain a valid access_token for the user you're making the call on behalf of.

There are 2 ways to get a token:

  1. Via the login (PasswordLogin service) activity (public - available to all API clients)
  2. Via direct authentication (private - only available to select clients)

Because these activities always follow the same process, 3 utility methods were provided to simplify these calls (see the module):

  • authorize_via_email_only : direct authorization
  • login_via_password : username + password combination authentication
  • create_account : although not part of this, but this function was provided to make user registration as simple as a function call

Authentication calls always provide a response similar to this:

    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "expires_in": 31536000,
    "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImp0aSI6IjE1YTI3ZmY1ZWI0ZWNhZTczMjNhZWI2MjYwNjhkYzYyYTcxNzIwOTY2NzAwNzYxNDlhMzI1NTFjZjdlZDBkNjY4NWVkODVmYjA5NDMwNzExIn0.eyJhdWQiOiIyIiwianRpIjoiMTVhMjdmZjVlYjRlY2FlNzMyM2FlYjYyNjA2OGRjNjJhNzE3MjA5NjY3MDA3NjE0OWEzMjU1MWNmN2VkMGQ2Njg1ZWQ4NWZiMDk0MzA3MTEiLCJpYXQiOjE1MTUyNzc2MDksIm5iZiI6MTUxNTI3NzYwOSwiZXhwIjoxNTQ2ODEzNjA5LCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbIioiXX0.GIBH8fuEg7bnSjm0Z3NtxuYshJ4RJVEcH-bNJPAMokLVvNSsMr4DBnYIsmJFk14pdMfiGRLqKQEZN2REgxTPj8q5a1btJwFoHqu5-nLcNGlrIKav8W8D5RtO8PZ1MHEBp-eyvu3U3-qIWe-vYan7csNdhnA0vcoZCXMU7JbAnATtahv0VjCqLo2n-VmICtYBvKfQjX3rVtp6sg4LqiChvGLDC5XoA0AYUfZdj2RvCj4oj0eC3W0y4ndcMpWkSSI1BIhZ9LyE6YloE0NNs4FB0upDoBVK_vxmwahdYsYaRgYGwu1RJf4v7hkLBvrSgwewqwTytCtfVU18EW71Pera9e9OMh1-ldZ3PiQMpBesos_bR9U2roEqfHUwJEY_1834hqiPQj_vq7E5ppMAVoWT2A9JMQIDzgZrxP7E0mynEoVohSBEvsF5VJxuUii8STcmGTo33x2dcMUYLtVNyRXHLzKjyYns_SrDtyIhyPrpYCtVNUWok_stLps6KrJFm7kJ0JB3u5-7tTP645DhPKaoMUrrodghZpkeCc_gabXtvughYgJkhlK3wixLCB1tdqR8IeuCdhWmqc31TfpfUob1Deka_jzmfxsyuu1VvIPiqdtw_Mm3RR6qQWhqfXQlpdf46SRa_lRveiOp7IXwPUFm_XSgSt8zBL5oQOm3k6r5lJo",
    "refresh_token": "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"

The response contains an access_token key which you set on the Sdk instance for future use like so: sdk.auth_token = response.access_token

All calls after this using this Sdk instance will send the appropriate Authorization header in the request.

Things to take note of

You will likely have to save this access_token in your cache / session so you don't have to authenticate the user on each page reload.

The auth_token can also be provided when instantiating the Sdk like so:

sdk = Sdk('jAGOn0aygL', '7CDouHd526pbPubv4fFLRnw5uWjKeaIh0ymsjJ39', auth_token='...', environment='local')

Making Requests

Making requests is the final step after setting your payload. It only requires you to know 2 things:

  • The request method: One of 'get', 'delete', 'post', or 'put'
  • The requests path: Every model has a base path, but certain sub-resources might require you appending something to the path

An example of the second point is like so:

  • Customer resource has a base path of /customers
  • To get a single Customer model from the API, we need a path in the form: /customers/{id}

In the above case, our call to send() will look like: resource.send('get',

The DorcasResponse object

The DorcasResponse object provides some simple methods:

  • is_successful() : returns True, or False if the request came back successfully. i.e. The API call worked fine
  • code() : only useful when a code key exists in the returned response
  • message(): useful when a message key exists in the returned response
  • errors() : will usually be a list of errors, when is_successful() is False
  • data(): for successful responses with a data key.

From above, you can see that all the methods excluding is_successful() simply provide access to the keys in the response. For keys that don't have a defined method, you can access them like properties on the response object. see Authentication for the example of accessing the access_token key.


  • Add file upload support


Just drop me a line at emmanix2002 [at] gmail dot com