
a dot file manager

pip install dotcontrol==0.0.2


dotcontrol: a dot file manager


  • hard link files, no symlinks involved

  • support syncing programs like git *


pip install dotcontrol


.c . [-p profile[,profile..] [-a] [-l]

List all dots in specified profile(s).

If no argument given, list current profile.

If -p flag is set, list dots in specified profile(s). Join profile names with comma and no whitespace between.

If -a is set, list dots in all profiles.

If -l is set, also list last check time and SHA1 of dots.

.c + path [path..]

Add or update one or more dots.

.c - path [path..]

Delete one or more dots. Source file(s) won’t be deleted.

.c p [profile]

If no profile name given, list profiles.

If given a profile name, create it of didn’t exist, then switch to it.

.c p- profile [profile..]

Delete one or more profiles. Source file(s) won’t be deleted.

.c p= type remote

Set up a remote profile. Currently supports

  • git , with type set to git.

.c =+ type remote

Set up remote sync. Currently supports

  • git, with type set to git.

.c = [command [args..]]

If no argument given, show sync info.

If given arguments, pass command(s) and / or argument(s) to configured sync program.

.c =. [command [args]]

Commit current staged changes.

If given arguments, pass command(s) and / or argument(s) to underlying sync program.

.c =] [command [args..]]

Push changes to remote.

If given arguments, pass command(s) and / or argument(s) to underlying sync program.

.c [= [command [args..]]

Pull changes from remote.

If given arguments, pass command(s) and / or argument(s) to underlying sync program.