
A library for building readable and concise data pipelines

pip install dpl==0.1.0


A library supporting functional programming in Python.

Tested environments

Tested on Python 3.6.3.


Install with pip as follows:

pip install dpl

func_pipe decorator

This decorator turns a function or an object method into a func_pipe object and then you can pass arguments to it in different ways which are convenient to build pipelines later.

Let's see an example. Assume that you have the following functions decorated with func_pipe:

from dpl.pipe import func_pipe
def add_1(x):
    return x + 1

def multiply_2(x):
    return x * 2

def subtract_3(x):
    return x - 3

Then you can write a pipeline like this:

y = 1 | add_1 | multiply_2 | subtract_3

which is equivalent to:

y = subtract_3(

Note that a func_pipe object is callable, so you can use it as a normal function if you need as the above code.

Plain argument passing

The first way to pass an argument to a func_pipe object is to use the operator | as you see above:

from dpl.pipe import func_pipe
def sum_all(array):
    return sum(array)
y = (1, 2, 3) | sum_all

which is equivalent to:

def sum_all(array):
    return sum(array)
y = sum_all((1, 2, 3))

Unpacking argument passing

Unpacking a tuple of arguments

You can pass a tuple of arguments and unpack them when passing to a func_pipe object by using the operator >>. For example:

def my_sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
y = (1, 2, 3) >> my_sum

is equivalent to:

def my_sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
y = my_sum(1, 2, 3)

Unpacking a dictionary of arguments

You can also pass a dictionary of arguments and unpack them when passing to a func_pipe object by using the operator >>. For example:

from dpl.pipe import func_pipe
def my_sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
y = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': 3} >> my_sum

is equivalent to:

def my_sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
y = my_sum(x=1, y=2, z=3)

Passing numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame objects and other objects having definitions for operators | or >>

Because numpy.ndarray and pandas.DataFrame classes define the | and >> operators, so to pass their objects to a func_pipe object, you need to wrap them in a tuple or a list and passing with unpacking operator >>. For example:

import numpy as np
from dpl.pipe import func_pipe
def my_sum(array):
    return sum(array)
y = [np.array((1, 2, 3))] >> my_sum

Partially apply a func_pipe object

You can partially apply a func_pipe object as follows:

from dpl.pipe import func_pipe
def my_sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
y = (1, 2) >> my_sum.partial(z=3)

and that is equivalent to:

def my_sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
y = my_sum(x=1, y=2, z=3)

The same way is applied for keyword parameters.

from dpl.pipe import func_pipe
def my_sum(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z
y = {'x': 1, 'y': 2} >> my_sum.partial(z=3)

Function composition as a function chain

Assume that you have the following functions:

def add_1(x):
    return x + 1

def multiply_2(x):
    return x * 2

def subtract_3(x):
    return x - 3

and you want to compose them to calculate a value:

y = subtract_3(

You compute y by adding 1 to x=1, then multiplying the result by 2, and finally subtracting the previous result by 3 but you write the code in the following order: subtract_3, multiply_2, and add_1. With the helper dpl.pipe.chain_pipe, we can rewrite it a more natural order:

from dpl.pipe import chain_pipe
y = 1 | chain_pipe(add_1, multiply_2, subtract_3)

The third last in the above code will do exactly the same thing as the way we compose three functions but it is much easier to read. Another advantage of chain_pipe is that you can chain the lambda functions:

from dpl.pipe import chain_pipe
y = 1 | chain_pipe(
    lambda x: x + 1,
    lambda x: x * 2,
    lambda x: x - 3

You can also control how to pass the arguments between the functions in the chain pipe by setting the keyword parameter unpacked (default False). The meaning of unpacking arguments while passing is described in the section of func_pipe. For example, the following code:

from dpl.pipe import chain_pipe
y = (1, 2) >> chain_pipe(
    lambda x: x + 1, x + 2,
    lambda x, y: x * 2, y * 2,
    lambda x, y: x - 3, y - 3,

is equivalent to:

def add_1_2(x, y):
    return x + 1, y + 2

def multiply_2(x, y):
    return x * 2, y * 2

def subtract_3(x, y):
    return x - 3, y - 3
y = subtract_3(
            *add_1_2(1, 2)))

pipe_class decorator

This decorator will turns all instance methods into func_pipe objects that you can use to build pipelines later.

For example:

from dpl.pipe import pipe_class

class MyClass(object):
    def add_1(self, x):
        return x + 1

    def multiply_2(self, x):
        return x * 2

    def subtract_3(self, x):
        return x - 3

    def main(self):
        y = 1 | self.add_1 | self.multiply_2 | self.subtract_3

is equivalent to:

class MyClass(object):
    def add_1(self, x):
        return x + 1

    def multiply_2(self, x):
        return x * 2

    def subtract_3(self, x):
        return x - 3

    def main(self):
        y = self.subtract_3(

map_pipe, reduce_pipe, filter_pipe function

Those are helpers for writing codes with traditional map, reduce, filter functions in a more readable way. The map_pipe function accepts a function which is the function will be applied on all elements of an array and return a func_pipe object that you can use to build pipelines later. For example:

The following code

from dpl.pipe import map_pipe
y = (1, 2, 3) | map_pipe(lambda x: x + 1)

is equivalent to:

y = map(lambda x: x + 1, (1, 2, 3))

The same principle is applied for reduce_pipe and filter_pipe.

ConstantInstanceVariables class

Sometimes, you want to force all instance variables to be constants or cannot be reassigned so that you guarantee that there is no place in you code changing those variables to avoid some bugs. This can be done by subclassing the class ConstantInstanceVariables.

For example, the following code:

from dpl.constant import ConstantInstanceVariables
class MyClass(ConstantInstanceVariables):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self._value = value
    def main(self):
        self._value = 1


will raise the error

ConstantError: Cannot rebind constant "_value"

as I am trying to rebind the instance variable self._value in the main method.

Converting return results into constant objects

When a function returns a tuple of results, the code using this result will need to know the position of each arguments in the tuple result. For example:

def add_1(x, y, x):
    x_prime = x + 1
    y_prime = y + 1
    z_prime = z + 1
    return x_prime, y_prime, z_prime

y_prime = add_1(1, 2, 3)[1]

It is much easier to use the result if we combine the result variables into an immutable object. For example:

from dpl.converter import vars_to_object
def add_1(x, y, z):
    x_prime = x + 1
    y_prime = y + 1
    z_prime = z + 1
    return vars_to_object(x_prime, y_prime, z_prime, local_dict=locals())

y_prime = add_1(1, 2, 3).y_prime

Remember to add the part local_dict=locals() when calling the function vars_to_object.

You can also convert a dictionary to an object or a zip pair. For example:

from dpl.converter import dict_to_object
def add_1(x, y, z):
    x_prime = x + 1
    y_prime = y + 1
    z_prime = z + 1
    return dict_to_object({
        'x_prime': x_prime,
        'y_prime': y_prime,
        'z_prime': z_prime

y_prime = add_1(1, 2, 3).y_prime


from dpl.converter import zip_to_object
def add_1(x, y, z):
    x_prime = x + 1
    y_prime = y + 1
    z_prime = z + 1
    return zip_to_object(
        ('x_prime', 'y_prime', 'z_prime'),
        (x_prime, y_prime, z_prime))

y_prime = add_1(1, 2, 3).y_prime

Caching a function result

Sometimes, it is useful to cache the result of a heavily computing function (or instance method). You can cache a function result by using the decorator dpl.cache.func_cache as follows:

from dpl.cache import func_cache
def add_1(x):
    print(f'calling add_1 on x={x}')
    return x + 1

for i in range(3):
    y = add_1(1)
    print(f'i = {i}, y = {y}')

You will see the following result:

calling add_1 on x=1
i = 0, y = 2
i = 1, y = 2
i = 2, y = 2

which means the function add_1 is called to compute the result for x=1 only once.