
Python wrapper for draugiem.lv API

social, api, draugiem
pip install draugiem==1.0.0



Python wrapper for draugiem.lv API


  • Authentification
  • API V4 and V5 support


Install via pip

pip install draugiem

or, with easy_install

easy_install draugiem

Or, if you want the code that is currently on GitHub

git clone git://github.com/BUHARDI/draugiem.git
cd draugiem
python setup.py install

Starting Out

Register an application http://www.draugiem.lv/applications/dev/create/

After you have registered the application, copy and save ID and API KEY. Example below shows that I have stored those variables in Django settings as DRAUGIEM_ID and DRAUGIEM_KEY.

Now you're ready to use draugiem.lv API. Import the wrapper class.

from draugiem import Draugiem


This example is based on Django framework

Example shows how to get draugiem.lv user data. You only need to do this, if you created an application of type "passport application".

Typically this would be the process starting view.

from django.conf import settings

def login_draugiem(request):
	draugiem = Draugiem(settings.DRAUGIEM_ID, settings.DRAUGIEM_KEY)
	callback_url = 'http://domain.tld/login/draugiem/callback'
	login_url = draugiem.get_login_url(callback_url)
	return redirect(login_url)

callback_url is url where user will be redirected after login on draugiem.lv. In this view you will receive extra GET variables to complete the autorization.

Last things to end the login process - callback view. Documentation: latvian, english.

def login_draugiem_callback(request):
	if request.GET.get('dr_auth_status') != 'ok' or not request.GET.get('dr_auth_code'):
	    return HttpResponseBadRequest()
	draugiem = Draugiem(settings.DRAUGIEM_ID, settings.DRAUGIEM_KEY)
	user = draugiem.authorize(request.GET['dr_auth_code'])

Thats it! user variable contains dictionary of user profile.

To use API as user that just authorized, you have to set user API KEY.


It's good idea store the user API KEY in case you want use API again later. In Django you can take advantage of sessions.

request.session['draugiem_apikey'] = user['apikey']

Using the API

Chekout the code and the documentation (latvian, english). You should be ready to dive in by now.

draugiem = Draugiem(settings.DRAUGIEM_ID, settings.DRAUGIEM_KEY, request.session['draugiem_apikey'])

Create an instance. Third argument is user API KEY which you received after user authorization.

More examples:

userdata = draugiem.api('userdata', ids='1,2,3') # getting user data of specific users

users = draugiem.api('app_users') # getting list of application users

draugiem.api('add_activity', prefix='ate', text='banana')


This is secret feature for undocumented part of draugiem.lv API. Use this on your own risk!

messages = draugiem.api('app_messages', 'POST')

transaction = draugiem.api('app_transactionCreate', 'POST', price=0, service='test')

say_post = draugiem.api('say_post', 'POST',
    poster_type = 0,
    text = 'Post text',
    prefix = 'Prefix',
    link = 'http://dra.lv/m5',
    title = 'Title text',
    pic_content = '',
    uid = 100774,