
DRF ViewSet for getting aggregations

pip install drf-aggregation==1.1.2


Django Rest Framework Aggregation


DRF Mixin for getting aggregations

Key features:

  • can calculate percentile (work only on PostgreSQL) and percent
  • grouping by multiple fields
  • time series (does not work on SQLite)
  • limiting the number of displayed records


API not stabilized yet


For installing use pip

$ pip install drf-aggregation


Create a ViewSet using a ViewSet from a package or by adding a mixin to an existing one

from drf_aggregation.mixins import AggregationMixin
from drf_aggregation.viewsets import AggregationViewSet

class MyCustomUserViewSet(AggregationMixin, GenericViewSet):
    queryset = User.objects.all()
    serializer_class = UserSerializer

class UserViewSet(AggregationViewSet):
    queryset = User.objects.all()
    serializer_class = UserSerializer

Register url

from drf_aggregation.routers import AggregationRouter

aggregation_router = AggregationRouter()
aggregation_router.register("user", UserViewSet)

urlpatterns = [
    path("my/custom/endpoint", UserViewSet.as_view({"get": "aggregation"})),

urlpatterns += aggregation_router.urls

Get aggregations

# Get the number of users

# Last travel date

# Median salary

# Top 5 ticket executors

# Percentage of open tickets by service

# Life expectancy depending on the year of birth

Supported field types

  • IntegerField
  • FloatField
  • DateField (only minimum and maximum)
  • DateTimeField (only minimum and maximum)
  • DurationField


When sending the only parameter "aggregation", a dictionary with the field "value" is returned



Available aggregation types:

  • count
  • sum
  • average
  • minimum
  • maximum
  • percentile
  • percent (return two additional values: "numerator" and "denominator")

Additional parameters for different types of aggregations

  • aggregationField - mandatory for aggregations: sum, average, minimum, maximum, percentile
  • percentile - from 0 to 1, mandatory for percentile
  • additionalFilter - filter parser is used from package drf-complex-filter, mandatory for percent

Grouping results

To group the result, a comma-separated list of required fields is passed



Sorting the result

When grouping by one field, it is enough to pass a list of fields by which you need to sort the result



To sort by aggregation result, use "value"



To sort when grouping by two or more fields, you must first add the ColumnIndexFilter filter backend to your ViewSet.

from drf_aggregation.filters import ColumnIndexFilter

class ModelViewSet(AggregationViewSet):
    filter_backends = [ColumnIndexFilter]

This filter groups the source queryset by the specified field and preserves the sorting of items. After that, you can use this index to sort the data grouped in the desired way.



Limiting the number of displayed groups

If you have a large number of categories or you need to display only top-H, it is possible to limit the number of returned records



It is also possible to display all other groups as one additional category



Additional options when there is a limit to the number of displayed groups:

  • limitBy - field for selecting the values that will remain, if not passed, the first field for grouping is used
  • showOther - if "1" is passed, all groups not included in the top will be displayed as one additional category
  • otherGroupName - label for additional category, default "Other"

Time series

Warning! Doesn't work on SQLite because it doesn't have date / time fields.

To display timeseries, you must first add the TruncateDateFilter filter backend to your ViewSet.

from drf_aggregation.filters import TruncateDateFilter

class ModelViewSet(AggregationViewSet):
    filter_backends = [TruncateDateFilter]

This filter will allow you to add date fields rounded to the required level, by which you can group and sort the result


    {"created_at__trunc__day": date(2020, 10, 4), "value": 1},
    {"created_at__trunc__day": date(2020, 11, 4), "value": 2},

Available truncations:

  • year
  • quarter
  • month
  • week
  • day
  • hour
  • minute
  • second

For mo details about truncations read Django Docs