
Ingenuity Upload and Status Python Helper scripts and DatastreamAPI library

pip install dsapi==0.6-beta


Convenient Python Interface for Integrating with DataStream API

Collection of Python helper utilities useful for making API requests to DataStream. Key functionality include data package(s) submission and status monitoring. Built-in conveniences include automated access token refresh, multiple package handling, and HTTP connection pooling.


type "[sudo] python setup.py install" to install for all users, or look at easy_install documentation to install in an alternate location

make sure you set environment variables like so

export ING_CLIENT_SECRET=[your client secret]

export ING_CLIENT_ID=[your client id]


usage: Simple Script to Upload a zip file [-h] [--server SERVER]
[--client-secret SECRET]
[--client-id CLIENT_ID]
[--logging-level LOG_LEVEL]
file1 [file1 ...]

python ds_upload.py t08.a.mdasnoactivate_CPCancerType_AcuteMyeloidLeukemia.zip 
Starting to upload t08.a.mdasnoactivate_CPCancerType_AcuteMyeloidLeukemia.zip
{u'status': u'PROCESSING', u'pipeline-name': u'Variant Analysis Cancer Pipeline', u'users': [u'mdas@ingenuity.com'], u'analysis-name': u'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.', u'title': u'MyTestID-01', u'status-url': u'https://api-stable.ingenuity.com/v1/datapackages/DP_186674283961627935264', u'warnings': [{u'message': u'r_001.txt: The field Investigation File Name is missing. We strongly recommend including this field to improve the relevance of the analysis.  This field may be required in the future.', u'code': u'isatab.recommended.field', u'details': {u'fieldname': u'Investigation File Name', u'fieldtype': u'field', u'filename': u'r_001.txt'}}], u'results-url': u'https://api-stable.ingenuity.com/datastream/analysisStatus.jsp?packageId=DP_186674283961627935264', u'percentage-complete': 40, u'creator': u'mdas@ingenuity.com', u'method': u'partner integration', u'stage': u'Loading samples'}

##USAGE: STATUS usage: Simple Script to check status of package [-h] [--server SERVER] [--status_url STATUS_URL] [--dp_id DP_ID] [--client-secret SECRET] [--client-id CLIENT_ID] [--logging-level LOG_LEVEL]

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--server SERVER       url of upload endpoint (default: https://api-
--status_url STATUS_URL
    status_url_of_package (default: None)
--dp_id DP_ID         DP_ID of package (default: None)
--client-secret SECRET
    supply client secret on the command line, or set an
    environment variable named ING_CLIENT_SECRET (default:
--client-id CLIENT_ID
    supply client id on the command, or set an environment
    variable named ING_CLIENT_ID (default:
--logging-level LOG_LEVEL
    supplying DEBUG will also start file logging for
    convenience (default: WARNING)

python ds_status.py  --dp_id=DP_186674283961627935264
{u'status': u'PROCESSING', u'pipeline-name': u'Variant Analysis Cancer Pipeline', u'users': [u'mdas@ingenuity.com'], u'analysis-name': u'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.', u'title': u'MyTestID-01', u'status-url': u'https://api-stable.ingenuity.com/v1/datapackages/DP_186674283961627935264', u'warnings': [{u'message': u'r_001.txt: The field Investigation File Name is missing. We strongly recommend including this field to improve the relevance of the analysis.  This field may be required in the future.', u'code': u'isatab.recommended.field', u'details': {u'fieldname': u'Investigation File Name', u'fieldtype': u'field', u'filename': u'r_001.txt'}}], u'results-url': u'https://api-stable.ingenuity.com/datastream/analysisStatus.jsp?packageId=DP_186674283961627935264', u'percentage-complete': 40, u'creator': u'mdas@ingenuity.com', u'method': u'partner integration', u'stage': u'Loading samples'}

##USAGE: FTP UPLOAD ds_ftp_upload.py -h usage: Simple Script to Upload files via FTP [-h] [--server SERVER] [--logging-level LOG_LEVEL] [--ftp-dir FTP_DIR] [--finish] [--username USER] [--password PASSWD] file1 [file1 ...]

positional arguments:
file1                 a file to upload

optional arguments:
-h, --help            show this help message and exit
--server SERVER       url of FTP server to construct URIs with (default:
--logging-level LOG_LEVEL
    supplying debug will also start file logging for
    aconvenience (default: INFO)
--ftp-dir FTP_DIR     directory top upload to (should be in emailed
    instructions (default: None)
--finish              send 'package is done' signal at end of transfer
    (default: False)
--username USER       ingenuity username (email address you registered with
    (default: None)
--password PASSWD     password for automated applications (default: None)

 ds_ftp_upload.py --ftp-dir=for_johndoe@ingenuity.com_FTP_Test_ds2N93amCwTYz4p2bfcjYa1klSra test_data/a_ldt_92344.txt test_data/i_ldt_92344.txt test_data/r_001.txt test_data/s_001.txt test_data/hiseq_v3.1_run943-2_4025.vcf 
['test_data/a_ldt_92344.txt', 'test_data/i_ldt_92344.txt', 'test_data/r_001.txt', 'test_data/s_001.txt', 'test_data/hiseq_v3.1_run943-2_4025.vcf']
2015-02-09 07:21:33,139   INFO        FTP server is: ftps2.ingenuity.com, dir is: for_johndoe@ingenuity.com_FTP_Test_ds2N93amCwTYz4p2bfcjYa1klSra
Enter your Ingenuity/FTP username:johndoe@ingenuity.com
Enter password for johndoe@ingenuity.com:
2015-02-09 07:21:41,437   INFO        Connected to FTP...changing dir to for_johndoe@ingenuity.com_FTP_Test_ds2N93amCwTYz4p2bfcjYa1klSra
2015-02-09 07:21:41,457   INFO        Uploading test_data/a_ldt_92344.txt
2015-02-09 07:21:41,785   INFO        Uploading test_data/i_ldt_92344.txt
2015-02-09 07:21:42,139   INFO        Uploading test_data/r_001.txt
2015-02-09 07:21:42,456   INFO        Uploading test_data/s_001.txt
2015-02-09 07:21:42,768   INFO        Uploading test_data/hiseq_v3.1_run943-2_4025.vcf