DSBox data preprocessing tools for cleaning data

pip install dsbox-datacleaning==0.2.3


travis ci

Missing value imputer

This component is for missing value imputation. This module is designed to support:

  1. multiple ways to impute data, including our self-defined methods.
  2. missing pattern related analysis (to be exposed)

Now the functionality is limited to:

  • one label problem


check here

To install:

pip install --process-dependency-links git+https://github.com/usc-isi-i2/dsbox-profiling.git@v1.0

Run Tests

python -m unittest discover


see imputation pipelines for reference


see methods for details.

One-hot encoder

The encoder takes pandas DataFrame as input, then one-hot encode columns which are considered categorical. For categorical_features = '95in10', it takes a column as category if:

  • its dtype is not float and
  • 95% of its data fall in 10 values.
  • For the rest values (not top 10) with low frequency, put into one column [colname]_other_


  • Maximum number of values encoded: n_limit, Whether to convert other text columns to integers: text2int.
  • Apply set_params() function to change the two parameters' values.
  • For one-hot encoded columns, in the output there would always be a [colname]_other_ column for values not appear in fitted data and values with fewer occurrence (when there are more than n_limit distinct values).


from dsbox.datapreprocessing.cleaner import Encoder, EncHyperparameter

train_x = pd.read_csv(train_dataset)
test_x = pd.read_csv(test_dataset)

hp = EncHyperparameter(text2int=True,n_limit=12,categorical_features='95in10')
enc = Encoder(hyperparams=hp)

result = enc.produce(inputs=train_x)

p = enc.get_params()
enc2 = Encoder(hyperparams=hp)
result2 = enc2.produce(inputs=test_x)


  1. Find better way to distinguish categorical columns - by statistics? by Profiler
  2. More functionality and more flexible implementation for user to config prefered setting.
  3. Deal with ID-like columns: identify (also let user decide?) and delete ? Will have encoders which users can specify columns to encode.

Unary encoder

The encoder takes pandas DataFrame and specified column name(s) as input, then unary encode the column(s).


see encoder pipelines for reference


Take a column (pandas Series) as input, output a column with discretized values. For the discretize() function:

  • by: "width": discretize by equal width; "frequency": discretize by equal frequency; "kmeans": discretize by kmeans clustering; "gmm": discretize by Gaussian mixure models clustering. default by="width".
  • num_bins: number of bins. default num_bins=10.
  • labels: list of values for the discretized bins, currently only for binning methods where orders of values are kept (by width and by frequency). default labels= [0,1,2...].

Note, currently:

  • Missing cells remain missing in the output column.


from dsbox.datapreprocessing.cleaner import discretizer

data = pd.read_csv('yourDataset.csv')
col = data["column_name"]
# 10 bins, discretize by equal width
result = discretizer.discretize(col)
# 5 bins, discretize by gmm
result = discretizer.discretize(col,num_bins=5,by='gmm')
# or you can replace original column in the dataset with discretized values
data["column_name"] = result


  • See if a better k, number of bins to choose can be found automatically. e.g. num_bins='auto'.