
Python tool for interfacing the CEM DT-174B Weather Datalogger that is talking on USB by some specific protocol.

cem, datalogger, weather, usb
pip install dt174b==0.1



This is a tool for interfacing the CEM DT-174B Weather Datalogger that is talking on USB by some specific protocol.

USB permissions

When the datalogger is plugged-in, OS have to create a device in /dev. By default, only root has write access there. This tool is an userspace USB driver which needs rw permissions to such file. To be able to access the datalogger as ordinary user, add an udev rule that says the datalogger group may write to such device-file. I've prepared such rule in file etc/udev/rules.d/10-dt174b.rules for you, so you just need to copy it:

sudo cp etc/udev/rules.d/10-dt174b.rules /etc/udev/rules.d

Then you should create the datalogger group and add yourself there.

sudo groupadd datalogger
sudo usermod -a -G datalogger `whoami`

Don't forget to logioff/login after this as your presence in the group is determined upon login only. You may also do su `whoami` -.