A cross platform networking library written in Python

networking, websocket, socket, server, client, python, socket-client, socket-server
pip install dtplib==1.1.4


Data Transfer Protocol Library

dtplib is a cross platform networking library written in Python.

Source: https://github.com/WKHAllen/dtplib



$ pip install dtplib


Creating a server

s = Server(onRecv=None, onConnect=None, onDisconnect=None, blocking=False, eventBlocking=False, recvDir=None, daemon=True, jsonEncode=False, ignoreErrors=False)

Create a server object.

onRecv is a function that will be called when a packet is received. It takes the following parameters: client socket, data, datatype (0: object, 1: file). onConnect is a function that will be called when a client connects. It takes the following parameters: client socket. onDisconnect is a function that will be called when a client disconnects. It takes the following parameters: client socket. If blocking is True, the start method will block until stopping. If eventBlocking is True, onRecv, onConnect, and onDisconnect will block when called. recvDir is the directory in which files will be put in when received. If daemon is True, all threads spawned will be daemon threads. If jsonEncode is True, packets will be encoded using json instad of pickle. If ignoreErrors is True, all errors will be ignored.

Starting the server

s.start(host=None, port=None)

Start the server. If host is not specified, it will default to socket.gethostname(). If port is not specified, it will default to 0, which represents an arbitrary unused port.

Stopping the server


Stop the server.

Check if the server is serving


Get the server's address


Get a client's address


Get a client's address, providing the client socket object.

Get a list of a server's clients


Remove a client


Disconnect a client from the server, providing the client socket object.

Send data to a client

s.send(data, conn=None)

Send data to a client. conn is the client socket object to send the data to. If conn is None, data is sent to all clients.

Send a file or directory to a client

s.sendFile(path, conn=None)

Send a file or directory to a client. path is the path to the file or directory. conn is the client socket object to send the file or directory to. If conn is None, the file or directory is sent to all clients.

Server alternative

The dtplib server object can be used in a with statement.

with server(host, port, *args, **kwargs) as s:

host is the server IP address. port is the port number. args and kwargs will be passed to the Server class constructor.


Creating a client

c = Client(onRecv=None, onDisconnected=None, blocking=False, eventBlocking=False, recvDir=None, daemon=True, jsonEncode=False)

Create a client object.

onRecv is a function that will be called when a packet is received. It takes the following parameters: data, datatype (0: object, 1: file). onDisconnected is a function that will be called when the server disconnects suddenly. It takes no parameters. If blocking is True, the connect method will block until disconnecting. If eventBlocking is True, onRecv and onDisconnected will block when called. recvDir is the directory in which files will be put in when received. If daemon is True, all threads spawned will be daemon threads. If jsonEncode is True, packets will be encoded using json instad of pickle.

Connecting to a server

c.connect(host, port)

Disconnecting from the server


Check if connected to a server


Get the client's address


Get the remote server's address


Send data to the server


Send data to the server, providing the data to be sent.

Send a file or directory to the server


Send a file or directory to the server, providing the path to the file or directory to be sent.

Client alternative

The dtplib client object can be used in a with statement.

with client(host, port, *args, **kwargs) as c:

host is the server IP address. port is the port number. args and kwargs will be passed to the Client class constructor.