
Punching-shear calculation package

structural-design, eurocode, punching-shear
pip install dx-punch==1.0.0



A punching shear calculation library as per Eurocode 2 (EN1992-1-1-2005)


System dependencies

  • python3 (>=3.6)
  • python3-dev
  • tkinter (or other matplotlib backend)
  • make


On ubuntu this takes care of everything (probably)

sudo apt install python3-dev make build-essential

Development version

This repository includes nested submodules. Thus it has to be cloned with the appropriate options for initializing and cloning the submodules. For more information on working with submodules see the relevant discussion here and the reference on Pro Git.

  • Clone the repository

      $ git clone --recurse-submodules git@gitlab.com:d-e/dx-punch.git [local-path]
  • Create virtual environment:

      $ make install
  • Activate virtual environment and run tests:

      $ source venv/bin/activate
      $ nose2

Run the jupyter notebooks

  1. Start the jupyter notebook server

     (venv) $ source start-jupyter-server
  2. Open the browser at localhost:8888 and open a notebook (*.ipynb).

As a dependency

From source code

$ pip install git://git@gitlab.com/d-e/dx-punch.git#egg=dx_punch

From Python Package Index (PyPI)

$ pip install dx-punch


Design according to Eurocode provisions (EN-1992-1)

  1. Evaluation of basic control perimeters (§6.4.2)

    • Support for columns of arbitrary polygonal shape.
    • Support for drop panels.
    • Automatic classification of columns into 'internal', 'edge', and 'corner'.
  2. Evaluation of design shear stress (§6.4.3) for biaxial eccentricity of all classes of columns, using three methods:

    • Analytical via numerical evaluation of the perimeter modulus W1 (6.40) in both directions.
    • Approximate through Eq. (6.43).
    • Simplified through §6.4.3(6).
  3. Design checks according to §6.4.4.

    • Support for declaration of soil-pressure on raft-slabs:

      • Uniform
      • Discrete pressure field
  4. Evaluation of a code-compliant shear-cage layout according to provisions of §6.4.5.

Not yet supported:

  • Consideration of openings in the evaluation of basic control perimeters (§6.4.2(3)).
  • Favourable effect of in-plane normal stresses in Eq. (6.47).
  • Evaluation of radial layout of shear reinforcement (Fig. 6.22A).


We use the dx stack of packages (dx-utilities, dx-base, dx-eurocode) that enables:

  1. Geometric representation of structural elements using shapely.
  2. Geometric operations and linear algebra utilities with numpy and mathutils.
  3. Use of dx_utilities.fields for various representations.
  4. Visualization of results using matplotlib.
  5. Support for tabular reports using pandas.

Sample usage

In [1]: from dx_punch.EC2 import Slab
In [2]: from dx_eurocode.EC2.materials import RC

# Configure slab
In [3]: raft = Slab.new(
    shape='rectangle', bx=10., by=12., position='lower-left',
    thickness=300e-03, material=RC['20'], fyk=500.,

# Add column[s] with multiple loadcases
In [4]: raft.add_column(
    bx=0.3, by=1., origin=(5., 5.), _id='C01', LC='ULS',
    N=365000, Mex=-15000, Mey=8000
In [5]: raft.add_column(_id='C01', LC='SLS', N=565000)

# Inspect slab column
In [6]: raft.columns
Out[6]: [<dx_punch.EC2.column.Column at 0x7f296a05f7f0>]

In [7]: raft.index
Out[7]: {'C01': <dx_punch.EC2.column.Column at 0x7f296a05f7f0>}

# Inspect column load-cases
In [8]: column = raft.index['C01']

In [9]: column.lc_index
{'ULS': <dx_punch.EC2.forces.InternalForces at 0x7f296a05f860>,
 'SLS': <dx_punch.EC2.forces.InternalForces at 0x7f29690cfb38>}

In [10]: column.forces
array([[365000., -15000.,   8000.],
       [565000.,      0.,      0.]])

# Add tensile reinforcement on the slab
In [11]: raft.add_uniform_rebar(phi=16e-03, s=120e-03, axes='xy', d=275e-03)

In [12]: column.deff
Out[12]: 0.275

# Define a drop panel for the column
In [13]: column.set_drop_panel(lx=1.5, height=0.2)

In [14]: column.drop_panel
Out[14]: <dx_punch.EC2.column.DropPanel at 0x7f296a0cbbe0>

In [15]: raft.add_soil_pressure(2000)

# Add additional reinforcement in the vicinity of the column
In [16]: partial_rebar_region = column.create_by_offset(source=column,

In [17]: raft.add_partial_rebar(phi=20e-03, s=100e-03, d=250e-03, axes='xy',
shape='generic', vertices=partial_rebar_region.boundary)

In [18]: column.deff
Out[18]: 0.25869565217391305

# Ask for the design output
In [19]: column.output

{'Position': 'corner',
 'Geometry': {'Centroid': {'x [m]': 5.0, 'y [m]': 5.0},
  'Bounding box': {'bx [mm]': 300.0, 'by [mm]': 1000.0}},
 'Effective depth [mm]': 258.7,
 'Tensile Reinforcement': {'Effective tensile region': {'bx [mm]': 1852.2,
   'by [mm]': 1852.2,
   'Centroid (offset)': {'dx [mm]': '-0.0', 'dy [mm]': '-0.0'}},
  'x-axis': 'T16@120 + T20@100',
  'y-axis': 'T16@120 + T20@100',
  'ρx': 0.0186,
  'ρy': 0.0186,
  'ρl': 0.0186},
 'Drop panel': {'lx [mm]': 1500.0, 'ly [mm]': 1500.0, 'H [mm]': 200.0},
 'Design': {'Perimeter u0': {'Most adverse loadcase': {'name': 'SLS',
    'Ved [kN]': 565.0,
    'Mex [kN.m]': 0.0,
    'Mey [kN.m]': 0.0,
    'ex [mm]': 0.0,
    'ey [mm]': -0.0},
   'β': 1.0,
   'ved [kPa]': 1587.1,
   'vrd [kPa]': 3680.0,
   'DCR (ved/vrd)': '0.431'},
  'Perimeter u1': {'Most adverse loadcase': {'name': 'SLS',
    'Ved [kN]': 565.0,
    'Mex [kN.m]': 0.0,
    'Mey [kN.m]': 0.0,
    'ex [mm]': 0.0,
    'ey [mm]': -0.0},
   'β': 1.0,
   'ved [kPa]': 147.3,
   'vrd [kPa]': 753.1,
   'DCR (ved/vrd)': '0.196'},
  'Perimeter u2': {'Most adverse loadcase': {'name': 'ULS',
    'Ved [kN]': 365.0,
    'Mex [kN.m]': -15.0,
    'Mey [kN.m]': 8.0,
    'ex [mm]': 21.9,
    'ey [mm]': 41.1},
   'β': 3.728,
   'ved [kPa]': 380.6,
   'vrd [kPa]': 753.1,
   'DCR (ved/vrd)': '0.505'}}}


Source code lives in https://gitlab.com/d-e/dx-punch.

Code of conduct

We abide by the provisions of Contributor Coventant Code of Conduct.


Follow this simplified gitflow model.

Coding standards

  • Follow PEP8 rules.
  • Populate docstrings with concise descriptions and the signature of the object according to sphinx guidelines. For a complete overview of documentation options see Sphinx docs
  • Write unit-tests.


We follow semantic versioning.

Review the docs locally

Documentation is generated through continuous-integration (CI). For review purposes it can be generated locally with:

$ make MODPATH=../dx_punch -C docs apidoc html

For more details on the process run

$ make docs-help

Error codes

The package includes coded exceptions. The list of error codes, along with associated metadata is generated in ERROR_CODES.md.

Upon refactoring or additions of coded exceptions this list must be regenerated through

$ make parse-error-codes

Public API

See the documentation pages.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.