
A DynamoDB library based on boto3

pip install dynamatic==1.0.0b5



Dynamatic is a python library for working with DynamoDB. It is NOT an ORM. It sits somewhere between the low-level boto3 library (on which Dynamatic is based) and high-level ORMs like PynamoDB.


First, I was inspired by this blog post which was inspired by this excellent re:Invent 2018 session by Rick Houlihan about how to properly model data in DynamoDB for efficiency and scale.

Second, I did not want an ORM. ORMs like PynamoDB package their own methods of defining object schemas but there are already excellent libraries out there like Pydantic or Marshmallow. They also tend to impose traditional relational database patterns (like Active Record) that do not scale well.

Third, boto3 is a great library but its DynamoDB API is painfully low-level and not particularly "Pythonic". Working with advanced features like Update Expressions and Projection Expressions is complex and unintutive.

So this library aims to be a happy medium: Providing enough abstraction and "developer ergonomics" to get up and running with DynamoDB quickly, while not getting in the way with high-level ORM features.


Dynamatic requires Python 3.6 or later. You can install it via pip.

pip install dynamatic


TODO! Documentation and usage examples coming soon!


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
