dynetml2other provides a set of tools for loading Dynamic Network Markup Language (DyNetML) files into the igraph and NetworkX Python packages for analyzing networks. It also supports a vanilla network format that uses dictionaries; while this format doesn't support the graph libraries' ability to calculate network features, it should be much quicker for exploring relationships between nodes.
DyNetML is a GraphML-based format for specifying network graphs, and is intended to support 'Meta-Networks' that combine multiple types of nodes that are related in many one- and two-mode networks. It's the primary format used by the ORA network analysis tool.
While potent, ORA is designed to be used through a GUI and doesn't allow users to manipulate or work with their data in a programmatic fashion; this makes systematic use of the tool largely impossible. dynetml2other provides a workaround for this by allowing users to load DyNetML files into graph libraries for Python. Users can manipulate these graphs, calculate necessary metrics, and then save out the changed results as DyNetML files or any other format of choice.
dynetml2other is not a full-featured replacement for ORA or many of its reports.
dynetml2other is a way to use igraph or NetworkX to analyze networks stored in DyNetML. It provides tools for manipulating DyNetML data that approximate a small number of ORA's tools form manipulation, and allows users to save out their work for further manipulation in ORA or other tools.