eagexp can export Eagle 6.6.0 partlist or image (2D/3D) of schematic or board in headless mode.
- Eagle 6.6.0 support only
- written in Python
- it can be used as library or as a command line program
- headless processing using Xvfb and pyvirtualdisplay
- timeout
- 3D image export using Eagle3D and povray
- calculate airwires
- tested only on Linux
Known problems:
- slow: eagle is opened and closed for each export
- high DPI does not work (memory problem?)
How it works
- start Xvfb headless X server using pyvirtualdisplay
- redirect eagle display to Xvfb server by setting $DISPLAY variable.
- start eagle with EXPORT and QUIT commands
- install eagle
- install povray (optional for 3D)
- install Pillow
- install pyvirtualdisplay , Xvfb
- install eagexp:
$ python3 -m pip install eagexp
On Ubuntu 16.04
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ sudo apt-get install eagle
$ sudo apt-get install povray python-pil xvfb
$ python3 -m pip install eagexp
Eagle was dropped from the Ubuntu repository in the later versions.
On Ubuntu 18.04
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ EAGLE_DEB=$(mktemp --suffix .deb); wget -O $EAGLE_DEB 'http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/e/eagle/eagle_6.6.0-2_i386.deb'
$ sudo apt-get install $EAGLE_DEB
$ sudo apt-get install povray python-pil xvfb
$ python3 -m pip install eagexp
Export from python code
# eagexp/examples/image_example.py
Example for image export with various options
from eagexp import image
brd = "/usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/tutorial/demo2.brd"
if __name__ == "__main__":
# set resolution in DPI
image.export_image(brd, "api_brd_50.png", resolution=50)
image.export_image(brd, "api_brd_100.png", resolution=100)
image.export_image(brd, "api_brd_150.png", resolution=150)
# mirror image
image.export_image(brd, "api_brd_mirror.png", mirror=True)
# display only 2 layers
image.export_image(brd, "api_brd_layer.png", layers=["dimension", "pads"])
# display layer using eagle command
image.export_image(brd, "api_brd_command.png", command="display none dimension")
Run it:
$ python3 -m eagexp.examples.image_example
Example for 3D:
# eagexp/examples/image3d_example.py
Example for 3D image export
from eagexp import image3d
brd = "/usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/tutorial/demo2.brd"
if __name__ == "__main__":
image3d.export_image3d(brd, "api_3d.png")
# size
image3d.export_image3d(brd, "api_3d_size1.png", size=(50, 50))
image3d.export_image3d(brd, "api_3d_size2.png", size=(50, 100))
image3d.export_image3d(brd, "api_3d_size3.png", size=(100, 50))
# rotate
brd, "api_3d_xrot.png", pcb_rotate=(180, 0, 0), size=(200, 150)
brd, "api_3d_yrot1.png", pcb_rotate=(0, 45, 0), size=(200, 150)
brd, "api_3d_yrot2.png", pcb_rotate=(0, 90, 0), size=(200, 150)
brd, "api_3d_yrot3.png", pcb_rotate=(0, 135, 0), size=(200, 150)
Start the example program:
$ python3 -m eagexp.examples.image3d_example
Example for partlist export:
# eagexp/examples/partlist_example.py
from eagexp import partlist
import pprint
sch = "/usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.sch"
brd = "/usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.brd"
LINE = "-----------------------------"
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("raw_partlist of " + sch)
print("raw_partlist of " + brd)
print("structured_partlist of " + sch)
print("structured_partlist of " + brd)
Start the example program:
$ python3 -m eagexp.examples.partlist_example
raw_partlist of /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.sch
Exported from singlesided.sch at 1 Jun 2020 10:15:55
EAGLE Version 6.6.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2014 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Device Package Library Sheet
C1 10u E2,5-6 E2,5-6 polcap 1
C2 10u E2,5-6 E2,5-6 polcap 1
C3 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C4 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C5 27p C2.5/2 C2,5-2 capacitor-wima 1
C6 27p C2.5/2 C2,5-2 capacitor-wima 1
D1 1N4148 1N4148 DO35-10 diode 1
IC1 16F84 PIC16F84AP DIL18 microchip 1
Q1 XTAL/S QS special 1
R1 2.2k R-EU_0207/10 0207/10 rcl 1
U1 78L05 78LXXZ TO92 linear 1
raw_partlist of /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.brd
Exported from singlesided.brd at 1 Jun 2020 10:15:57
EAGLE Version 6.6.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2014 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Package Library Position (mil) Orientation
C1 10u E2,5-6 polcap (1950 400) R0
C2 10u E2,5-6 polcap (1950 900) R0
C3 10n C025-025X050 rcl (1950 200) R180
C4 10n C025-025X050 rcl (1950 1100) R180
C5 27p C2,5-2 capacitor-wima (1700 500) R270
C6 27p C2,5-2 capacitor-wima (1250 250) R90
D1 1N4148 DO35-10 diode (900 200) R0
IC1 16F84 DIL18 microchip (1100 700) R180
J1 1X20 PINHEAD (1050 1400) R180
Q1 QS special (1550 250) R0
R1 2.2k 0207/10 rcl (900 350) R0
U1 78L05 TO92 linear (1950 650) R270
structured_partlist of /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.sch
( ['part', 'value', 'device', 'package', 'library', 'sheet'],
[ { 'device': 'E2,5-6',
'library': 'polcap',
'package': 'E2,5-6',
'part': 'C1',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '10u'},
{ 'device': 'E2,5-6',
'library': 'polcap',
'package': 'E2,5-6',
'part': 'C2',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '10u'},
{ 'device': 'C-EU025-025X050',
'library': 'rcl',
'package': 'C025-025X050',
'part': 'C3',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '10n'},
{ 'device': 'C-EU025-025X050',
'library': 'rcl',
'package': 'C025-025X050',
'part': 'C4',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '10n'},
{ 'device': 'C2.5/2',
'library': 'capacitor-wima',
'package': 'C2,5-2',
'part': 'C5',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '27p'},
{ 'device': 'C2.5/2',
'library': 'capacitor-wima',
'package': 'C2,5-2',
'part': 'C6',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '27p'},
{ 'device': '1N4148',
'library': 'diode',
'package': 'DO35-10',
'part': 'D1',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '1N4148'},
{ 'device': 'PIC16F84AP',
'library': 'microchip',
'package': 'DIL18',
'part': 'IC1',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '16F84'},
{ 'device': 'PINHD-1X20',
'library': 'PINHEAD',
'package': '1X20',
'part': 'J1',
'sheet': '1',
'value': ''},
{ 'device': 'XTAL/S',
'library': 'special',
'package': 'QS',
'part': 'Q1',
'sheet': '1',
'value': ''},
{ 'device': 'R-EU_0207/10',
'library': 'rcl',
'package': '0207/10',
'part': 'R1',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '2.2k'},
{ 'device': '78LXXZ',
'library': 'linear',
'package': 'TO92',
'part': 'U1',
'sheet': '1',
'value': '78L05'}])
structured_partlist of /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.brd
( ['part', 'value', 'package', 'library', 'position', '(mil)', 'orientation'],
[ { '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'polcap',
'orientation': 'R0',
'package': 'E2,5-6',
'part': 'C1',
'position': '(1950 400',
'value': '10u'},
{ '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'polcap',
'orientation': 'R0',
'package': 'E2,5-6',
'part': 'C2',
'position': '(1950 900',
'value': '10u'},
{ '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'rcl',
'orientation': 'R180',
'package': 'C025-025X050',
'part': 'C3',
'position': '(1950 200',
'value': '10n'},
{ '(mil)': '0)',
'library': 'rcl',
'orientation': 'R180',
'package': 'C025-025X050',
'part': 'C4',
'position': '(1950 110',
'value': '10n'},
{ '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'capacitor-wima',
'orientation': 'R270',
'package': 'C2,5-2',
'part': 'C5',
'position': '(1700 500',
'value': '27p'},
{ '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'capacitor-wima',
'orientation': 'R90',
'package': 'C2,5-2',
'part': 'C6',
'position': '(1250 250',
'value': '27p'},
{ '(mil)': '',
'library': 'diode',
'orientation': 'R0',
'package': 'DO35-10',
'part': 'D1',
'position': '(900 200)',
'value': '1N4148'},
{ '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'microchip',
'orientation': 'R180',
'package': 'DIL18',
'part': 'IC1',
'position': '(1100 700',
'value': '16F84'},
{ '(mil)': '0)',
'library': 'PINHEAD',
'orientation': 'R180',
'package': '1X20',
'part': 'J1',
'position': '(1050 140',
'value': ''},
{ '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'special',
'orientation': 'R0',
'package': 'QS',
'part': 'Q1',
'position': '(1550 250',
'value': ''},
{ '(mil)': '',
'library': 'rcl',
'orientation': 'R0',
'package': '0207/10',
'part': 'R1',
'position': '(900 350)',
'value': '2.2k'},
{ '(mil)': ')',
'library': 'linear',
'orientation': 'R270',
'package': 'TO92',
'part': 'U1',
'position': '(1950 650',
'value': '78L05'}])
Export schematic from command-line
Export image
Start the eagexp module directly with python:
$ python3 -m eagexp.image /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.sch cli_sch.png
Export partlist
Start the eagexp module directly with python:
$ python3 -m eagexp.partlist /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.sch
Exported from singlesided.sch at 1 Jun 2020 10:16:34
EAGLE Version 6.6.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2014 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Device Package Library Sheet
C1 10u E2,5-6 E2,5-6 polcap 1
C2 10u E2,5-6 E2,5-6 polcap 1
C3 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C4 10n C-EU025-025X050 C025-025X050 rcl 1
C5 27p C2.5/2 C2,5-2 capacitor-wima 1
C6 27p C2.5/2 C2,5-2 capacitor-wima 1
D1 1N4148 1N4148 DO35-10 diode 1
IC1 16F84 PIC16F84AP DIL18 microchip 1
Q1 XTAL/S QS special 1
R1 2.2k R-EU_0207/10 0207/10 rcl 1
U1 78L05 78LXXZ TO92 linear 1
Export board from command-line
Export image
Start the eagexp module directly with python:
$ python3 -m eagexp.image /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.brd cli_brd.png
Export 3D image
Start the eagexp module directly with python:
$ python3 -m eagexp.image3d /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.brd cli_3d.png
Export partlist
Start the eagexp module directly with python:
$ python3 -m eagexp.partlist /usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.brd
Exported from singlesided.brd at 1 Jun 2020 10:16:42
EAGLE Version 6.6.0 Copyright (c) 1988-2014 CadSoft
Assembly variant:
Part Value Package Library Position (mil) Orientation
C1 10u E2,5-6 polcap (1950 400) R0
C2 10u E2,5-6 polcap (1950 900) R0
C3 10n C025-025X050 rcl (1950 200) R180
C4 10n C025-025X050 rcl (1950 1100) R180
C5 27p C2,5-2 capacitor-wima (1700 500) R270
C6 27p C2,5-2 capacitor-wima (1250 250) R90
D1 1N4148 DO35-10 diode (900 200) R0
IC1 16F84 DIL18 microchip (1100 700) R180
J1 1X20 PINHEAD (1050 1400) R180
Q1 QS special (1550 250) R0
R1 2.2k 0207/10 rcl (900 350) R0
U1 78L05 TO92 linear (1950 650) R270
# eagexp/examples/airwires.py
from eagexp.airwires import airwires
brd1 = "/usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/singlesided/singlesided.brd"
brd2 = "/usr/share/eagle/projects/examples/tutorial/demo2.brd"
if __name__ == "__main__":
$ python3 -m eagexp.examples.airwires
Command-line help
$ python3 -m eagexp.image --help
usage: image.py [-h] [-t TIMEOUT] [-p PALETTE] [-r RESOLUTION] [-l LAYERS]
[-c COMMAND] [-m] [-s] [--debug] [--version]
input output
Exporting eagle .sch or .brd file into image file. If export is blocked
somehow (e.g. popup window is displayed) then after timeout operation is
canceled with exception. Problem can be investigated by setting 'showgui'
flag. Exporting generates an image file. Only PNG format is supported
positional arguments:
input eagle .sch or .brd file name
output image file name (e.g. 'eagle.png')
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
operation is canceled after this timeout (sec)
-p PALETTE, --palette PALETTE
background color [None,black,white,colored]
image resolution in dpi (50..2400)
-l LAYERS, --layers LAYERS
list, layers to be displayed ['top','pads']
-c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
string, direct eagle command
-m, --mirror Bool
-s, --showgui eagle GUI is displayed
--debug set logging level to DEBUG
--version show program's version number and exit
$ python3 -m eagexp.image3d --help
usage: image3d.py [-h] [-s SIZE] [-p PCB_ROTATE] [-t TIMEOUT] [--showgui]
[--debug] [--version]
input output
Exporting eagle .brd file into 3D image file using Eagle3D and povray. If
export is blocked somehow (e.g. popup window is displayed) then after timeout
operation is canceled with exception. Problem can be investigated by setting
'showgui' flag.
positional arguments:
input eagle .brd file name
output image file name (.png)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SIZE, --size SIZE tuple(width, size), image size
-p PCB_ROTATE, --pcb-rotate PCB_ROTATE
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
operation is canceled after this timeout (sec)
--showgui eagle GUI is displayed
--debug set logging level to DEBUG
--version show program's version number and exit
$ python3 -m eagexp.partlist --help
usage: partlist.py [-h] [-t TIMEOUT] [-s] [--debug] [--version] input
print partlist text delivered by eagle
positional arguments:
input .sch or .brd file name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
-s, --showgui Bool, True -> do not hide eagle GUI
--debug set logging level to DEBUG
--version show program's version number and exit