
Easy way to use binary files with built in class and functions

pip install easy-binary-file==1.0.4


Easy Binary File Package

Easy way to use binary files with built in class and functions.

Installation from PYPI

You can find last version of project in: https://pypi.org/project/easy-binary-file/

Command to install:

pip install easy-binary-file

Quick use

Simply import and use functions or class

Example of function to dump a single value:

from easy_binary_file import dump_single_value

dump_single_value("test_file_single.tmp", "test_value")

Example of function to load a single value:

from easy_binary_file import load_single_value

value = load_single_value("test_file_single.tmp")

Example of instance of class to dump several values:

from easy_binary_file import EasyBinaryFile

with EasyBinaryFile("test_ebf_object.tmp") as ebf:
    ebf.dump("First value")
    ebf.dump("Second value")

Example of instance of class to read all items:

from easy_binary_file import EasyBinaryFile

with EasyBinaryFile("test_ebf_object.tmp", "rb") as ebf:
    for item in ebf:


Import functions, class or all.

from easy_binary_file import *


This is a review of class and functions content inside.

The difference between use functions vs class:

  • Functions open and close file in each use (For use a lot, functions are slower than class)
  • Instance of class maintain open the file until end of use (or call to close)

You have complete docstring documentation in code and more examples/tests in doctest format.


  • dump_ensure_space: Only dump value if space enough in disk.
  • dump_single_value: Open a file in the binary mode, dump a single value and close file
  • load_single_value: Open a file in the binary mode, load a single value, return it and close file
  • dump_items: Serialize one iterable in a single file
  • load_items: Deserialize item by item in one stream generator
  • quick_dump_items: Quick open a file in ab or wb mode and dump items one by one from iterator, when generator is exhausted then close the file.
  • quick_load_items: Quick open a file in rb mode and load items in one generator, when generator is exhausted then close the file.


  • EasyBinaryFile: Open (or create if not exist) a new binary file.
    • close: Close the binary file.
    • dump: Dump one single value in file.
    • dump_ensure_space: Dump one single value in file only if space enough in disk.
    • load: Load from file one single value.
    • get_cursor_position: Get last position of cursor in file.
    • seek: Seek file in position.
    • get_by_cursor_position: Get value by cursor position in file.
    • dump_items: Serialize one iterable in a file.
    • load_items: Deserialize item by item in one stream generator.
    • __iter__: wrap of load_items result to use directly in a for loop.

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