
User friendly implementation of Enum in Python

pip install easy-enum==0.1.1



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User friendly implementation of documented Enum type for Python language.


    $ pip install easy_enum

To install the latest version from master branch execute in shell following commands:

    $ pip install -U https://github.com/molejar/pyEnum/archive/master.zip

In case of development, install pyEnum from sources:

    $ git clone https://github.com/molejar/pyEnum.git
    $ cd pyEnum
    $ pip install -U -e .

You may run into a permissions issues running these commands. Here are a few options how to fix it:

  1. Run with sudo to install pyEnum and dependencies globally
  2. Specify the --user option to install locally into your home directory (export "~/.local/bin" into PATH variable if haven't).
  3. Run the command in a virtualenv local to a specific project working set.


Following example is showing how easy you can use this Enum in your code:

    from easy_enum import Enum

    class TestEnum(Enum):

        # attribute with no description, the name will be 'FIRST_ITEM' and empty string as description
        FIRST_ITEM  = 1

        # attribute with description
        SECOND_ITEM = (2, 'Description for second item')

        # attribute with description and custom string name
        THIRD_ITEM  = (3, 'third', 'Description for third item')

        # attribute with custom string name (the description must be specified as empty string)
        FOURTH_ITEM = (4, 'fourth', '')

    # Read attributes value and name
    print(TestEnum.SECOND_ITEM)    # 2
    print(TestEnum['FIRST_ITEM'])  # 1
    print(TestEnum[1])             # 'FIRST_ITEM'
    print(TestEnum[3])             # 'third'
    print(TestEnum['third'])       # 3

    # Use get method with default value if want skip exception
    print(TestEnum.get(8))         # None
    print(TestEnum.get('eight'))   # None
    print(TestEnum.get(8, 'eight')) # 'eight'

    # Check if exist attribute with specific value
    print(1 in TestEnum)           # True
    print(8 in TestEnum)           # False

    # Check if exist attribute with specific name
    print('first' in TestEnum)     # False
    print('third' in TestEnum)     # True

    # Get attribute description (as parameter use attribute name or value)
    print(TestEnum.desc(1))        # ''
    print(TestEnum.desc(2))        # 'Description for second item'
    print(TestEnum.desc('third'))  # 'Description for third item'
    # Get count of all attributes
    print(len(TestEnum))           # 4

    # Get list with all attributes name
    names = [item[0] for item in TestEnum]
    print(names)                   # ['FIRST_ITEM', 'SECOND_ITEM', 'third', 'fourth']

    # Get list with all attributes value
    values = [item[1] for item in TestEnum]
    print(values)                  # [1, 2, 3, 4]

    # Read all items
    for name, value, desc in TestEnum:
        print('{} = {} ({})'.format(name, value, desc))