
Leetcode easy study use Python on web

easyleetcode, bilibili, youtube, leetcode, leetcode-pacakege, leetcode-python
pip install easyleetcode==1.7.0



  • A simple Python leetcode study and running online tool
  • Just need your computer to run the python environment

use it, from web, just browser(No save code and take markdown function) :https://pyleetcode.gitee.io/

use it, from pip:pip install easyleetcode

then , only 2 line code , in any location:

from easyleetcode import run

# or run(host="", port=8080)

use it, from source code : clone source then:

  • 1.pip install these package >> ['uvicorn', 'fastapi', 'pydantic', 'aiofiles', 'jinja2']
  • 2.run python script : easyleetcode/web/main.py


  • Hello Python programmer
  • You can use it
  • Become the God of leetcode
  • You can use it
  • Run or add your arbitrary Python code online
  • You can use it
  • Take markdwon notes for any Python code you want
  • It runs very smoothly
  • You can use it as leetcode study package

index view

code list view

all code list , you can add new code or

edit code or note markdown or see video (if exist, tell me)

or select contain keyword code use button 'Find'

select code

only see contain 'Sum' code

code show view

code detail view

you can run & debug & study & add code & note Markdown

you can edit you python code & run you code online !

code markdown note view

code's markdown note

you can click Edit Button to Edit you note

code markdown note edit view

code's markdown note can easy online edit, and

you can click Save Button to Save you Edited note

left textarea to edit Markdown, right textarea show markdown's result view