Package for ebmdatalab jupyter notebook stuff

pip install ebmdatalab==0.0.30



This is very early stage library to simplify working with pandas for common EBMDataLab operations


Install the package as you usually would, e.g.

pip install ebmdatalab

Convenience for caching/storing BigQuery data as CSV

This will save the results of the SQL query as a CSV, and when it's run again, as long as the SQL hasn't changed, load that CSV rather than querying BigQuery again. Use a .zip, .gz, .bz2 or .xz file extension to store the cache in a compressed format, or .csv for uncompressed:

from ebmdatalab import bq

sql = "SELECT * FROM ebmdatalab.hscic.bnf"
df = bq.cached_read(sql, csv_path='')  # add `use_cache=False` to override

To access data in BigQuery, users will need to have the credentials of a service account with "BigQuery Guest" and "BigQuery Dataset Guest" roles. You can do that here.

  • Click "+ CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT", choose a name for the account (eg "Rich Croker service account"), and add the "BigQuery Guest" and "BigQuery Dataset Guest" roles.
  • Select the newly created account, click "KEYS", "ADD KEY", "Create new key", "JSON", and "CREATE". This will download the credentials.

If using this library through a notebook derived from the datalab-jupyter image, the credentials file should be renamed to bq-service-account.json and moved to the repo root. Otherwise, EBMDATALAB_BQ_CREDENTIALS_PATH should be set to the path of the credentials file.

Other functions

See the examples/ directory for:

  • Logistic regression
  • CCG maps
  • Deciles charts


This project uses flit for bundling and publishing. Publish thus:

flit publish

To install a package locally for development, install with a symlink so you can test changes without reinstalling the module:

flit install --symlink

Updating the package in Windows

1. Clone repository to local drive e.g. through GitHub desktop.

2. Open Anaconda command prompt by right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator.

  • Type pip list to check that ebmdatalab is installed
    • If it is, uninstall using pip uninstall ebmdatalab
  • Install flit: check if already installed using e.g. flit help, if not, type pip install flit
  • Change directory to work in same location as the repo e.g. >cd C:\Users\hcurtis\Documents\GitHub\datalab-pandas
  • Install symlink: flit install --symlink

3. Make changes to the package .py files as required

  • Edit code e.g. via Jupyter notebook
  • If you think this change should be incorporated into its own release, open and increase the version number

4. Test the changes

  • To avoid having to restart the kernel every time you make a change, add the following commands in your notebook to tell the kernel to update its reference to the package (e.g. for charts):
import importlib
from ebmdatalab import charts

5. Push changes

  • Open GitHub desktop and you should see your changed files.
  • Create a branch rather than commiting to master.
  • Describe and commit changes.
  • Make a pull request to merge branch with master (select from dropdown menu under Branch).
  • This will take you to GitHub where you need to click Create pull request