
Sync models instances between client and server.

django, data, synchronization, offline
pip install edc-sync==0.1.0a1


Build Status Coverage Status Code Health


Deploy a Django app as a client on laptop that is offline and sync the data with your server when you get back online.

urlpatterns += patterns( '', (r'^bhp_sync/', include('edc_sync.urls')), )



Synchronization is one-way and always toward a central server that has the master database for the project. Many clients push data to one server.

Getting data from the field

We use edc-sync in Django apps deployed to low-resourced remote communities where there is no reliable internet, public or private network. Our Research Assistants collect participant data in households, mobile tents and remote clinics. The Research Assistants enter data directly into their offline laptops. Once back online, data is pushed to the community-server and later to the central-server.

Our research also involves collecting blood specimens that need to get to our community clinic within an hour or two from time of collection. Research Assistants stay out in the field on shift for 6 hours or more. So we send a driver to fetch specimens and data from the Research Assistant in the field. The driver has a middleman laptop that pulls all pending data from the Research Assistant's laptop. The driver and the Research Assistant then reconcile specimens and requisition data against the middleman data and the physical specimen. (Note: we requisition and label specimens in the field through the app). The driver then returns to the community clinic, pushes data onto the community-server and delivers all the specimens. The Lab Assistant then reconciles the specimens and requisition data against the community-server data and the physical specimen.

Data Flow

edc-sync uses either the REST API or FILE transfer:

  • field client ---REST---> community server
  • field client ---REST---> middleman (and model inspector) ---REST---> community server
  • site server ---FILE---> central server

It is also possible to use Django's DB router if connections are good and reliable.

Configure a model for synchronization

To include a model add the SyncModelMixin. For example the base class for all CRFs in a module might look like this:

from edc_base.model.models import BaseUuidModel
from edc_consent.models RequiresConsentMixin
from edc_offstudy.models import OffStudyMixin
from edc_sync.models import SyncModelMixin
from edc_visit_tracking.models import CrfModelMixin

from .maternal_consent import MaternalConsent

class MaternalCrfModel(CrfModelMixin, SyncModelMixin, OffStudyMixin,
                       RequiresConsentMixin, BaseUuidModel):

    consent_model = MaternalConsent

    off_study_model = ('mb_maternal', 'MaternalOffStudy')

    maternal_visit = models.OneToOneField(MaternalVisit)

    history = AuditTrail()

    entry_meta_data_manager = CrfMetaDataManager(MaternalVisit)

    def natural_key(self):
        return (self.maternal_visit.natural_key(), )
    natural_key.dependencies = ['mb_maternal.maternal_visit']

    def __unicode__(self):
        return unicode(self.get_visit())

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

SyncModelMixin needs model method natural_key and the model manager method get_by_natural_key. If either or both do not exist, a SyncError Exception is raises. In the example above, the CrfModelMixin declares the objects model manager that includes the required manager method.

For any insert, update or delete of concrete models based on MaternalCrfModel, the SyncModelMixin creates OutgoingTransaction instances on the same DB as the concrete model.

Copy transactions from one DB to another

Data entered on 'client' eventually needs to be synchronized to 'server'. Your settings.DATABASES might be like this:

    'default': {},
    'server': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),
    'client': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'db.sqlite3'),

As data is entered on client, the data is serialized into model OutgoingTransaction on client. The outgoing transactions on client are can be copied to server like this:


Once the transactions are on server they are deserialized like this:

messages = IncomingTransaction.objects.using('server').filter(
    is_consumed=False).deserialize(custom_device=device, check_hostname=False)


to disable the SyncModelMixin add this to your settings.py

ALLOW_MODEL_SERIALIZATION = False # (default: True)


  • handle proxy models
  • producer
  • handle deleted transactions