
A Task automation tool for competitive programmers

cli, competitive-programming, python
pip install egor==1.0.1



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  • as most Competitive programmers don't have the luxuary of using IDE's such as intellij to benifit from the CHelper tool (maybe because they don't like the added overhead of IDE's or the prefere eclipse or, as most of the people i know, they use C++, parsing tasks can become tedious, and here where egor can help, by providing a simple cli for parsing and running your tasks.


  • To install you should have python3 installed, if that's the case you just need to run pip install egor.
  • If you have multiple versions of python you need to explicitly run python3 -m pip install egor to be sure that python3 is used.


  • Just install egor by doing pip install egor
  • You should also install (if you don't already have it) Competitive companion
  • And voila, you can start using it as any other command line app, just type egor to see the help, and there is help for every subcommand provided by egor

Egor Command

  • Open a codeforces or a spoj problem, run egor task parse and press the plus button of Competitive companion, a new directory with the name of task will be generated, with the input and output files, and a sample source file.
  • When you write the solution for your problem you can type egor task test to test your solution against the provided sample input. Egor Test
  • You can run egor task copy to copy the source code of your solution to the clipboard
  • The location of the configuration file to configure some default values is ${home_dir}/.egor/configuration and it's in the reStructuredText format,This is sample fo a configuration file:
    egor_port = 6174
    first_run = yes
  • in doubt you can always run egor task -h to see the help of commands. Egor Help

Developer guide

  • You should have pip installed
  • Clone the current repository, and run pip install -e . to have a version of 'egor' installed in your machine so you can test it
  • Unit testing is important, any added feature should be associated with a unit/integration test
  • At least one reviewer should see your code before merging to master.


  • You can contribute to the project by raising issues, writing tests, suggesting features, and making pull requests.