
Predict electron insert factors

pip install electronfactors==0.1.0b4


Spline modelling electron insert factors using routine measurements

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Note on future development

This repository will be left in its current state so that those wishing to replicate the findings of the paper can do so here and so that those who have decided to use this code base to set up their centre can also continue to do so. However I am currently putting work into simplifying the code base down to its bare essentials and making it as simple as possible (and no simpler) to set up. If you wish to use this repositories code feel free, and skip this section. However if you wish to benefit from any simplifications and usability improvements I make in the future please head on over to https://github.com/SimonBiggs/electroninserts_bundle/blob/master/README.md.


The code here provided is for the modelling of the portion of the electron output factor that is dependent on the shape of the shielding insert mounted within the applicator. This allows modelling insert factors using only the measured factors already available at a centre. Should all outliers be removed from the data set the user might expect as low as 0.5% standard uncertainty for factor prediction with as little as 8 data points.

The paper outlining this method is currently in press:

S. Biggs, M. Sobolewski, R. Murry, J. Kenny, Spline modelling electron insert factors using routine measurements. Physica Medica (2015), doi:10.1016/j.ejmp.2015.11.002.

If you have any issues please don't hesitate to contact me (mail@simonbiggs.net), I likely will be more than happy to help.

Any use of the code accepts the AGPL3+ license which includes no warranty that this code is fit for a particular purpose. Attempts have been made to make the code transparent and it is recommended that an experienced python programmer and physicist who understands the procedure outlined in the paper and the requirements of your centre identifies whether or not this method and code is fit for your use.



Easiest method for those new to python and want to investigate the code

Download Anaconda Python 3.5 from continuum.io/downloads.

Install Anaconda

  • Make sure "Add Anaconda to my PATH environment variable" and "Register Anaconda as my default Python 3.5" are ticked.

Download the Shapely module from here.

  • If you have 64-bit windows with python 3.5 you will be looking for Shapely-*.*.*-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl (with * replaced by most recent shapely version).

Open the command window:

  • Press [Windows Key] + R
  • Type: cmd
  • Press Enter

To install electronfactors and descartes, within the command window, type:

pip install descartes electronfactors

To install the downloaded shapely file within the command window type the line of code following. I assume the shapely file was downloaded into your Downloads library and the version downloaded was 1.5.13. If this is not the case change what is written here to match the downloaded file.

pip install Downloads/Shapely-1.5.13-cp35-none-win_amd64.whl

To be able to make use of the examples referred to for the remaining of this guide make sure you download the most recent electronfactors source code found here.

If you used Anaconda Python 3.4 you may need to run the following within the command window to have the latest version of bokeh and the jupyter notebook:

conda install jupyter bokeh

Other options for Windows

My code currently successfully builds on Travis Cl under Python 3.4 and Python 3.5 only.

If you have a different version of python I have successfully got my code up and running within the "Portable Python distribution", WinPython. This allows you to run Python 3.4 in a stand alone environment, with the scipy stack built in, without having to affect your current python distribution.

The only requirements is that descartes, electronfactors, and shapely are also installed as given in the previous section. To install these use the shortcuts within the WinPython directory to open either the console, winpython control panel, or qtconsole, to install in the WinPython environment.

Limited user access rights

If you find yourself with limited user access rights I have outlined a few tips for installing the required python environment over at the wiki.


From a fresh install of Ubuntu, using pip to install all dependencies the following method can be used. However, of course if you prefer, system packages may be used from apt-get, or conda from anaconda.

sudo apt-get build-dep python-numpy matplotlib python-scipy pandas ipython pyzmq python-shapely pyyaml
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip numpy matplotlib scipy pandas shapely descartes bokeh pyyaml jupyter electronfactors

Providing data

If you desire to get behind this project please consider providing your data for use by the wider community. Until such time as a streamlined method for submitting data is provided please contact me for submissions (mail@simonbiggs.net).

My desire is to run your data through a series of sanity checks, identify outliers, confirm with you whether or not these are outliers, intelligently deal with these outliers, then---with your permission---collate and upload your data within this repository for all to download and use.

To do this I need to have your permission to inlcude your data as source code within this repository which places it under the AGPL3+ licence. Be aware that this licence has the clause that the data will be distributed without any warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. It will be up to the users of the data to confirm whether or not it is fit for their use.

Two options currently for use

At this point of time there are two options available for using this code. The first method is outlined in detail below and requires using the example files that comes with downloading the code from releases. This involves using csv files which can be edited with microsoft excel or libre office calc (and resaved as .csv, not .xls) and then the ready made notebooks can be used to pull from these csv files.

The second option requires only the jupyter notebook (or just python if you choose) and python dictionaries are used to input the cutout shapes. This second option is explained in detail in the standalone notebook found here:

Spline modelling electron insert factors using routine measurements.ipynb

Or if you would prefer not to use the jupyter notebook altogether a stand alone python script---which has been tested running in an IPython terminal within IDEs such as Spyder---demonstrating the use of this code can be found here:

Spline modelling electron insert factors using routine measurements.py

Explaination for use with importing shapes via csv files

Importing your insert shapes

For now the easiest method of use is to directly edit the files found within demo/user_inputs. There are currently two methods to import insert shapes, generic shape import, and shape coordinate import. Each shape is indexed by an identifier, this can be whatever is most useful and informative for you however they must be unique throughout the import files. The units used in defining width / length / coords must simply be consistent throughout, in my examples I used all shape dimensions defined in cm at isocentre however as long as the user is consistent this is not necessary.

Generic shape import

The first import method is by importing generic shapes (such as ellipses or rectangles). An example input csv is found here:

By deleting the contents of that file and replacing it with your desired insert shapes and measurements you can input generic shapes.

Coordinate based import

The second import method is by importing arbitrary shape Cartesian coordinates. This requires three csv files. One containing all the labelled x-coordinates, the second containing all the labelled y-coordinates, the third containing the meta data such as energy, applicator, ssd, and measured factor. Of importance is that the index used to label the shape within each of the three files must agree.

Examples of these files are found here:

By deleting the contents of those files and replacing them with your own you will be able to import your own generic shapes.

Creating a custom import method

There is no reason why a custom import method cannot be created (such as directly pulling from the treatment planning system files). The only requirement is that the created import method appends your shapes into demo/imported_data/merged.yml. Its format is yaml and an example of how the data is stored can be found here:

I use pyyaml for easy loading and saving of yaml files.

Your custom import script needs to be called within the 01 Model -- Load, parameterise, and cache.ipynb notebook after the convert_merge() function and before the parameterise() function.

If you do make a custom import method please let me know. It might be worth including it within the electronfactors package.

Example pulling from XiO

An example of a utlitiy I made for pulling the insert shapes directly from the XiO server within our centre can be found here (please note this example is intended as an example only, it is minimally tested and will likely need adaptation and bug fixing):

Example pulling from DICOM

An example for pulling energy, ssd, applicator, and cutout shape coordinates from a DICOM file can be found here:

It requires the following package installation:

pip install pydicom

This has not been tested in anything but a contrived example. It is meant as an example only to be adapted for your particular use case. A pure dicom import method would be able to be created by placing all the required dicom files within a directory, combined with a single csv metadata file containing the columns index, dicom filename, and factor measurement.

Opening the jupyter notebook server

The jupyter notebook server can be started by changing directory within a command prompt into the demo folder and then running the following: jupyter notebook. Alternatively I have created a windows shortcut within the demo directory which can be clicked and will do this automatically.

Details about what the jupyter notebook is can be found here.

Parametrising and caching the modelling

Before creating your own model the cache of the demo model needs to be deleted. This is achieved by deleting all files found within demo/model_cache. To create your own cache pulling from the shapes you have inputted simply run the 01 Model -- Load, parameterise, and cache.ipynb notebook from within the notebook server. This notebook will look something like this:

Run this notebook going Cell > Run All.

Of high importance at this step as that each shape and the resulting equivalent ellipse is visually checked. It needs to be confirmed by the user at this stage that the expected loss of lateral scatter is sufficiently equivalent between each equivalent ellipse and its corresponding insert. This is of particular issue if the long axis of the shape is becoming small enough to a point that lateral scatter along this axis may not be equivalent between the two shapes.

Of second note is that specifically placed "saw tooth" indents may result in the width being underestimated. Although I have not observed this being an issue in clinical shapes, nevertheless, at this stage the user needs to visually confirm that the equivalent ellipse algorithim is working intelligently.

Creating interactive reports

Delete the demo report(s) found within demo/interactive_reports. Then as in the previous step load up and run the notebook labelled 02 Model -- Create reports.ipynb. This will create a report for each energy/applicator/ssd combination available within the model cache. The resulting reports can be placed on a shared drive for use on any computer (python not required to interactively use these report files).

An example of one such of these interactive reports can be found here:

Be sure to observe the "prediction differences" column in these reports as this represents the percent prediction difference that results when a shape is removed from the model and then predicted by the model. It is important that a sufficient number of shapes are measured so that the user can observe the resulting prediction differences over the range of the desired use of the model.

Copyright information

Copyright © 2015 Simon Biggs

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.