
Strategically Shuffling Leetcode Questions to Optimize DS&A Study Time

pip install elitecode==1.8



Strategically Shuffling Leetcode Questions to Optimize DS&A Study Time

Installation Instructions

Elitecode can be installed from source or from Python's pip package manager:

$ pip install elitecode

To finalize the installation, simply run elitecode with elevated permissions:

$ elitecode
Problems file missing - Please login with Leetcode account to generate personalized problems file:


What is the point of this program?

My interview preparation strategy involves doing 2 new Leetcode questions each day, and going back and re-solving an old question that was completed during a previous session.

It's really easy to hit this 2 question target by picking questions that can be solved in a very similar way. For instance:

To prevent this, I typically use the shuffle feature on Leetcode to pick random questions, but sometimes there will be 2 difficult questions in a row that are categorized as "Hard" and can take an hour or more to solve.

This program strategically shuffles Leetcode questions in a way that optimizes interview preparation/DS&A study time.

What does "Strategically Shuffling Leetcode Questions" mean?

Leetcode has a "Shuffle" feature, but it simply generates a random question of any difficulty level. EliteCode will generate a random question while taking into account specified difficulty weights.

For instance:

elitecode --easy 5 --medium 3 --hard 1

Will generate random unsolved questions that most likely fall under easy or medium difficulty, with a small chance of the question being categorized as hard.


elitecode --easy 1 --medium 5 --hard 1

Will generate unsolved questions that most likely fall under the medium difficulty, with a small chance of the question being categorized as easy or hard.

elitecode --easy 5 --medium 0 --hard 0

Will only generate unsolved Leetcode questions that are categorized as easy.

The program has default weights that are used if no command line arguments are passed:

{'medium': 30, 'hard': 10, 'easy': 60}

How do you access my Leetcode question history?

EliteCode sends an authenticated request to the following API endpoint on Leetcode:


This endpoint contains all problem descriptions and your personal Leetcode solution history. It saves the data locally, and filters out questions that can only be accessed with a Leetcode premium account.

How do I change the number of questions returned?

Simply use the "old" or "new" command line argument to specify the number of questions generated. For example:

elitecode --easy 5 --medium 0 --hard 0 --new 10

How do I regenerate my Leetcode problem list to reflect new questions?

elitecode --regenerate