
Collects license information for Elm project dependencies.

pip install elm-license-finder==1.0.1


Elm License Finder

A simple node app for collecting license information for Elm dependencies. Gives you:

  • Total dependency count
  • Portion of dependencies that are direct
  • Portion of dependencies that are indirect
  • Totals of licenses by name
  • Table of package, version, license, and whether it's a direct or indirect dependency

*For packages, all dependencies are direct.

example picture

Use as a command:

  • Run yarn global add elm-license-finder or npm install -g elm-license-finder
  • Navigate to the directory with your elm.json
  • Run elm-license-finder


  • --dir <path> The path to the directory containing your elm.json, for when you aren't running it fromt the root of the project.
  • --output <format> To specify an output format that isn't the default table. Formats include:
    • json
    • csv formatted as 'name,version,"license",type' with the license escaped.

Use as a module:

Run yarn add elm-license-finder or npm install elm-license-finder

const elmLicenseFinder = require("elm-license-finder");

const dependencies = elmLicenseFinder();
// returns an object with the structure:
// {
//   "package/name": {
//     version: "1.2.3",
//     license: "MIT",
//     type: "direct",
//   }
// }

If you're running it from a different directory than the one with elm.json in it

const elmLicenseFinder = require("elm-license-finder");
const path = require("path");

const dependencies = elmLicenseFinder(path.resolve("path", "to", "elm", "project"));