
Single source of truth for ESM's EM27 measurement logistics

pip install em27_metadata==1.0.0rc4


EM27 Metadata

The purpose of this library

This repository is the single source of truth for our EM27 measurement logistics: "Where has each station been on each day of measurements?" We selected this format over putting it in a database due to various reasons:

  • Easy to read, modify and extend by selective group members using GitHub permissions
  • Changes to this are more evident here than in database logs
  • Versioning (easy to revert mistakes)
  • Automatic testing of the files integrities
  • Easy import as a statically typed Python library

This tool was developed as part of the EM27 Retrieval Pipeline.

How it works

This repository only contains a Python library to interact with the metadata. The metadata itself is stored in local files or a GitHub repository. The library can load the metadata from both sources and provides a unified interface with static types to access it.

Library Usage

Install as a library:

pdm add em27_metadata
# or
pip install em27_metadata
import datetime
import em27_metadata

em27_metadata_store = em27_metadata.load_from_github(

# or load it from local files
em27_metadata_store = em27_metadata.load_from_local_files(

metadata = location_data.get(
          2020, 8, 26, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
          2020, 8, 26, 23, 59, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc

Prints out something like this:

    "sensor_id": "sid1",
    "serial_number": 50,
    "from_datetime": "2020-08-26T00:00:00+0000",
    "to_datetime": "2020-08-26T23:59:59+0000",
    "location": {
      "location_id": "lid1",
      "details": "description of location 1",
      "lon": 10.5,
      "lat": 48.1,
      "alt": 500.0
    "utc_offset": 2.0,
    "pressure_data_source": "LMU-MIM01-height-adjusted",
    "atmospheric_profile_location": {
      "location_id": "lid1",
      "details": "description of location 1",
      "lon": 10.5,
      "lat": 48.1,
      "alt": 500.0

The object returned by em27_metadata_store.get() is of type list[em27_metadata.types.SensorDataContext]. It is a Pydantic model (https://docs.pydantic.dev/) but can be converted to a dictionary using metadata.model_dump().

The list will contain one item per time period where the metadata properties are continuous (same setup). You can find dummy data in the data/ folder.

Set up an EM27 Metadata Storage Directory

You can use the repository https://github.com/tum-esm/em27-metadata-storage-template to create your own repository for storing the metadata. It contains a GitHub Actions workflow that automatically validates the metadata on every commit in any branch.

A full reference for the three JSON schemas can be found at https://em27-retrieval-pipeline.netlify.app/api-reference/metadata.

For Developers

Run tests:

# used inside the GitHub CI for this repo
pytest -m "ci"

# used inside the GitHub Actions workflow for storage repos
pytest -m "action"

# can be used for local development (libe "ci", but skips pulling from GitHub)
pytest -m "local"

Publish the Package to PyPI:

poetry build
poetry publish