
MIME E-mail forwarding script for Slack written in Python

email, slack, forwarding, postfix, pypi, python
pip install email2slack==1.0.0a6



PyPI version Build Status Coverage Status

MIME E-mail forwarding script for Slack(webhook) written in Python.


Fail2Ban (plain text)

Slack Demo: Plain text Fail2Ban

netdata (HTML)

Slack Demo: HTML netdata


  • Python
    • Python 2 >= 2.7
    • Python 3 >= 3.4

Getting Started


(Optional) Use faster HTML parser than pure Python

Installation of email2slack requires gcc and the development packages of both libxml2 and libxslt. On RedHat based systems you can install these using sudo yum install gcc libxml2-devel libxslt-devel. On Ubuntu systems you can install using sudo apt-get install build-essential libxml2-dev libxslt-dev. If you are using some other system there are probably similar packages available.

(Optional) Use nkf to convert character encoding for non Unicode message

nkf binding module ( also requires gcc and Python development headers to build C extension. On RedHat based systems you can install these using sudo yum install gcc python-devel. On Ubuntu systems you can install using sudo apt-get install python python-pip.

Install email2slack

From PyPI

# Install email2slack
pip install -U email2slack  # without any optional modules
pip install -U email2slack[lxml]  # use lxml
pip install -U email2slack[nkf]  # use nkf
pip install -U email2slack[lxml,nkf]  # both

# Fetch configuration file from GitHub
curl > /usr/local/etc/email2slack

# Before using, You must edit config file
vim /usr/local/etc/email2slack

In this case, setuptools create script to call email2slack and place it in bin directory automatically. So you should use the script in Setup MTA section.

From GitHub repository

git clone
cd email2slack

# Install email2slack
pip install -U .  # without any optional modules
pip install -U .[lxml]  # use lxml
pip install -U .[nkf]  # use nkf
pip install -U .[lxml,nkf]  # both
cp contrib/email2slack /usr/local/etc/

# Before using, You must edit config file
vim /usr/local/etc/email2slack

Setup MTA


vim /etc/postfix/aliases


# notify only, not forward
user: |/usr/local/bin/email2slack

# notify and forward e-mail to another user
user: anotheruser, |/usr/local/bin/email2slack

# notify and leave e-mail on same user
user: \user, |/usr/local/bin/email2slack

# you can override default slack url, team and channel with command line option,
# which replace as default=value in each section.
# -s url / --slack url
# -t team-name / --team team-name
# -c channel-name / --channel channel-name
# -f /path/to/email2slack.conf / --config /path/to/email2slack.conf
user: "|/usr/local/bin/email2slack -c '@user'"
another: "|/usr/local/bin/email2slack -c '#random'"




Thank you for your great work!

  • @komeda-shinji
  • @mmrwoods