
Super simple self-emailing.

pip install emailme==0.3.0



A Python module to email myself from Python scripts and the command line.


$ pip install emailme

intended usage

emailme is intended to be used to quick-fire send an email to oneself from Python scripts and from the command line.

initial setup

Sending email requires you to login to an SMTP server. This often means a password is required.

To get started, you will need to store your username and password in a file that is read-write only by you. emailme provides a convenience way to get setup.

$ emailme start

You will be asked for your email address and passwrod there.

note about password: I strongly suggest NOT storing your regular email password. Instead, you should be using an app-specific password that you rotate regularly. Gmail offers such a functionality, and is highly recommended. Check with your email host provider for more detail.

Upon entering your credentials, a file will be written to disk at ~/.credentials/emailme.json. This email is only read/write-able by you; other users of the computer are unable to read or write it.

Upon this initial setup, you will now be able to use emailme to send emails to yourself.

command line usage

Usage at the command line is super simple.

$ emailme sendmail --subject "hey" --message "what's up?"

(be sure to escape your exclamation marks!)

script usage

You can also import emailme and use it from a Python script.

from emailme import sendmail

sendmail(subject='hey', message="What's up? How are you doing?")