This is a command line tool for embarc open source platform

pip install embarc-cli==1.0.3


Build Status Latest Version Supported Python versions


embARC CLI is the name of the embARC command-line tool, packaged as embarc_tools. embARC CLI support for embARC application creation, build and config, use of the embARC Open Software Platform.

This document covers the installations and usage of embARC CLI.


The basic workflow for embARC CLI is to:

  1. Create an application.
  2. Config the application.
  3. Build the application code.

Tip: To list all embARC CLI commands, use embarc --help. A detailed command-specific help is available by using embarc <command> --help.

$ embarc -h
usage: embarc [-h] [--version]             ...

            Command-line tool for embARC OSP -

            version 1.1.0

Use "embarc <command> -h|--help" for detailed help.

            Online manual and guide available at

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --version    Display version


    appconfig  Get or set application config
    build      Build application
    config     Get, set or unset configuration options.
    new        Create a new application


Windows and Linux support for embARC CLI.


Install embARC CLI

You can get the lastest stable version of embARC CLI through pip by running:

$ pip install embarc-cli

Alternatively, you can get the development version of embARC CLI by cloning the development repository:

$ git clone

Once cloned, you can install embARC CLI as a Python package:

$ python build
$ python install

Update embARC CLI

To update an existing installation of embARC CLI, run:

$ pip install -U embarc-cli

Uninstall embARC CLI

$ pip uninstall embarc-cli

Before you begin

embARC CLI uses the user directory Users/xxx/.embarc_cli to save global settings. When you use embARC CLI, it will create two files:

  1. Users/xxx/.embarc_cli/osp.json including information about root paths of embARC OSP source code.
  2. Users/xxx/.embarc_cli/global_config.json including current global settings: EMBARC_ROOT,TOOLCHAIN and build configuration BOARD, BD_VER and CUR_CORE.

Create a new application

embARC CLI can create applications based on embARC Open Software Platform. A detailed command-specific help is available by using embarc new --help.

When you create a new application, embARC CLI automatically imports the OSP from global settings if you haven't specify a OSP root path by --embarc-root, if there is no EMBARC_ROOT in global settings, you need to input manually.

The arguments for build are:

  • -d or --directory to specify the path of the application.
  • -b or --board to select a board.
  • --bd-ver to select a board_ver.
  • --core to select a core.
  • -t or --toolchain to select a toolchain. The value can be gnu(GNU) or mw(MetaWare).
  • --target to select the build target, the default target is all, you can selsect one from [elf, bin, hex, size, opt, info, all, run, clean].
  • -g or --export to generate Eclipse IDE project file for your application.
  • --config to specify application configuration with a json file, default is to look for build.json in build directory or source directory.
  • --build-opt to pass extra configurations to make command.

Let's create an application named helloworld for embARC OSP:

$ embarc new --directory helloworld
INFO    - application: helloworld in C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/helloworld
INFO    - embarc_root: C:/Users/jingru/Documents/git/github/embarc_osp
INFO    - toolchain: gnu
INFO    - please choose board from axs emsdp emsk hsdk iotdk nsim
choose board: emsk
INFO    - please choose board version from 11 22 23
choose version: 23
INFO    - please choose board core from arcem7d arcem7d_em6 arcem11d_em7d arcem7d_em4 arcem9d arcem7d_em5d arcem11d arcem9d_em5d
choose version: arcem9d
INFO    - platform: <emsk version 23 core arcem9d on arc>
INFO    - cache build config into C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/helloworld/build.json
INFO    - finish to genrate application

Tip: If you haven't set a global EMBARC_ROOT, it will raise Can't get osp root from global setting. When you create application with embarc new, it will generate a file build.json recording the parameters:

    "APPL": "helloworld",
    "EMBARC_ROOT": "C:/Users/jingru/Documents/git/github/embarc_osp",
    "TOOLCHAIN": "gnu",
    "BOARD": "emsk",
    "BD_VER": "23",
    "CUR_CORE": "arcem9d"

Build your application

Use the embarc build command to compile your code:

$ embarc build -d helloworld
INFO    - setting up build configurations ...
INFO    - application: C:\Users\jingru\Documents\conda\helloworld
INFO    - get cached config from helloworld\build.json
INFO    - embARC root: C:/Users/jingru/Documents/git/github/embarc_osp
INFO    - platform: <emsk version 23 core arcem9d on arc>
INFO    - toolchain: gnu
INFO    - build target: all
INFO    - start to build application

make: Entering directory 'C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/helloworld'
"Creating Directory    : " C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/build-out/obj_emsk_23/gnu_arcem9d/application/.
"Creating Directory    : " C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/build-out/obj_emsk_23/gnu_arcem9d/arc
"Linking               : " C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/build-out/obj_emsk_23/gnu_arcem9d/helloworld_gnu_arcem9d.elf
make: Leaving directory 'C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/helloworld'

INFO    - command completed in: (30.422908544540405)s
INFO    - rom total: 27220       ram total: 12296

Export Eclipse IDE file

If you need to debug your code, you can export your source tree to IDE project file to use the IDE's debugging facilities. embARC CLI supports exporting to Eclipse using GNU or MetaWare.

For example:

$ embarc build  -d helloworld --export
INFO    - setting up build configurations ...
INFO    - application: C:\Users\jingru\Documents\conda\helloworld
INFO    - get cached config from helloworld\build.json
INFO    - embARC root: C:/Users/jingru/Documents/git/github/embarc_osp
INFO    - platform: <emsk version 23 core arcem9d on arc>
INFO    - toolchain: gnu
INFO    - generating esclipse project description file ...
INFO    - generating esclipse cdt into .cproject file ...
INFO    - generating esclipse launch configuration file ...
INFO    - open Eclipse - >File >Open Projects from File System >Paste
  • Open ARC GNU IDE 2018.09 Eclipse, click File -> Open Projects from File System .

  • Paste C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/build-out to Import source, and click Finish.You can your project in Project Explorer view.

  • From the Project Explorer view, right-click the project name helloworld, select Properitise and click C/C++ Build, you can see the build settings.

    Click C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols.

  • Click the Run > Debug Configurations... menu option. The Debug Configurations dialog opens.

  • Click helloworld-arcem9d, you can see that data is automatically entered, take a moment to verify its accuracy or change as needed.

  • Click Debug. You may be prompted to switch to the Debug perspective. Click Yes.

embARC CLI configuration

The embARC CLI provides a flexible mechanism for configuring the embARC program. You can use it to set, get, update or unset embARC build configuration options. These options can be global or local (per program).

Global configuration

Currently supported options: osp, toolchain, build_cfg. A detailed command-specific help is available by using embarc config --help.

You can use embarc config osp to config the EMBARC_ROOT. The commands for embarc config osp are:

  • embarc config osp --add <name> -m <url> --mr <rev> [<dest>] to clone osp repository from remote url.
  • <name> --local [<dest>] to add local existing osp directory.
  • embarc config osp --rename <oldname> <newname> to rename a EMBARC_ROOT.
  • embarc config osp --remove <name> to remove the path from osp.json.
  • embarc config osp --list to show all recorded paths.
  • embarc config osp --set <name> to set a path as global EMBARC_ROOT.

All paths is to look for Users/xxx/.embarc_cli/osp.json.

    "embarc_osp": {
        "directory": "C:/Users/jingru/Documents/embarc/embarc_osp", 
        "source": "", 
        "type": "git"
    "embarc": {
        "directory": "C:/Users/jingru/Documents/embarc/testcli/helloworld/embarcnew", 
        "source": "", 
        "type": "git"
    "new_osp": {
        "directory": "C:/Users/jingru/Documents/embarc/testcli/new_osp", 
        "source": "", 
        "type": "git"

To see all recorded EMBARC_ROOT, run:

$ embarc config osp --list
INFO    - current recored embARC source code




You can use embarc config toolchain to config TOOLCHAIN. Currently supported toolchains are GNU and MetaWare.

You can check the current toolchains in your platform.

$ embarc config toolchain --version
INFO    - current GNU version: 2019.03
INFO    - current Metaware version: 2020.12

If you haven't installed the GNU yet, you can download it by using embarc config toolchain --download <version>. embARC CLI doesn't support for downloading MetaWare.

To set global build configuration, use embarc config build_cfg:

$ embarc config build_cfg BOARD emsk
INFO    - Set BOARD = emsk as global setting

$ embarc config build_cfg BD_VER 23
INFO    - Set BD_VER = 23 as global setting

$ embarc config build_cfg CUR_CORE arcem7d
INFO    - Set CUR_CORE = arcem7d as global setting

Local configuration (per program)

You can use embarc appconfig to set the program build configuration. The arguments for build are:

  • -d or --directory to specify the path of the application.
  • -b or --board to select a board.
  • --bd-ver to select a board_ver.
  • --core to select a core.
  • -t or --toolchain to select toolchain. The value can be gnu(GNU) or mw(MetaWare).
  • --embarc-root to select a path as EMBARC_ROOT.
  • --config to specify application configuration, default is to look for build.json.

To see current application configuration, run:

$ embarc appconfig -d helloworld
INFO    - setting up build configurations ...
INFO    - application: C:/Users/jingru/Documents/conda/helloworld
INFO    - get cached config from helloworld/build.json
INFO    - embARC root: C:/Users/jingru/Documents/git/github/embarc_osp
INFO    - platform: <emsk version 23 core arcem9d on arc>
INFO    - toolchain: gnu