
Easy, cryptographically secure storage on numerous database backends.

cryptography, encryption
pip install encrypted-storage==1.0.0


Encrypted Storage

Encrypted Storage helps with saving and loading encrypted data in various storage backends. It is implemented in a way to be able to add new backends easily by inheritance.

How it works

It does AES symetric encryption of a file, then asymetric RSA encryption on the key from the intial symetric encryption. These files are then saved in one of the various storage backends.

Currently implemented backends

  • OpenStack Swift
  • Redis


pip install encrypted-storage


from encrypted_storage import EncryptedRedisStorage

# Initialize storage.
storage = EncryptedRedisStorage(db_num=10)

# Encrypt and save data.
storage.save(filename, data, public_key)

# Decrypt and load data.
loaded_data = storage.load(filename, private_key)



storage = EncryptedSwiftStorage(container='credit_card_data')


storage = EncryptedRedisStorage(db_num=10)

Creating New RSA Keys

You can use whatever method you like to create new keys. Just be sure the format is identical to the format of currently stored keys. I recommend using Pycrypto to generate new keys as the encryption and encryption is based off of this package. Watch for newlines.

from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA

rsa_obj = RSA.generate(1024)
private_key = rsa_obj.exportKey()
public_key = rsa_obj.publickey().exportKey()

Adding New Storage Backends

To create new storage backends simply follow these 2 steps:

  • Create a class that inherits from BaseSharedStorage. This will do the saving and loading from your storage. If you wanted to create a new MongoDB storage backend you would write your own MongoDBStorage class with save and load functions specific to MongoDB.
class MongoDBStorage(BaseSharedStorage):
    def __init__(self, host):
        # You can do init stuff here, like initializing your `pymongo.MongoClient`.
        self.mongo = pymongo.MongoClient(host)

    def save(self, filename, key, data):
        # do the MongoDB saving

    def load(self, filename):
        # do the MongoDB loading
  • Write a new EncryptedMongoDBStorage class that would inherit from your MongoDBStorage class and the EncryptedSharedStorage class.
class EncryptedMongoDBStorage(EncryptedSharedStorage, MongoDBStorage):
    def __init__(self, myarg):
        super(EncryptedMongoDBStorage, self).__init__(host)


  1. Your new storage backend save function must always accept a filename, key, and data in that order.
  2. Your new storage backend load function must always accept a filename.

Encryption w/o Storage

Sometimes you just want to encrypt stuff.

from encrypted_storage import AESCypher, EncryptedSharedStorage

data = "These aren't the droids you are looking for."

# For symetrical encryption
encrypt_cypher = AESCipher()
encrypted = encrypt_cypher.encrypt(data)
key = encrypt_cypher.key

decrypt_cypher = AESCipher(key=key)
decrypted = decrypt_cypher.decrypt(encrypted)

# For asymetrical encryption
cypher = EncryptedSharedStorage()
encrypted_key, encrypted_data = cypher.asym_encryption(data, public_key)
decrypted_data = cypher.asym_decryption(encrypted_key, encrypted_data, private_key)


  1. Follow Pep8.
  2. Write tests.

If there is a backend you want that is not here, write one and open a pull request.


Create docker images with docker-compose for the different backends for testing.