
Python bindings for Endless Sky C++ code

pip install endless-sky-bindings==0.0.13


Endless Sky bindings for Python

Play with the Endless Sky C++ classes from Python or interact with the game as it runs.

pip install endless-sky-bindings

This library does not include the Endless Sky data, so to load that data you'll need to find the installed copy on your system or clone the Endless Sky repo to get it. The code samples below assume a checkout of endless-sky at ~/endless-sky.


Once you get a handle on the endless_sky.bindings module (bound to 'es' variable here), C++ classes are exposed to Python pretty directly; for documentation, see the header files in Endless Sky.

>>> from endless_sky.loader import load_data
>>> es = load_data(resources="/Users/tomb/endless-sky")
>>> ships = es.GameData.Ships() # these objects correspond to 
>>> ships.<tab><tab>
ships.Get(   ships.Has(   ships.size(
>>> shuttle = ships.Get("Shuttle")
<endless_sky.bindings.Ship object at 0x1087391b0>
>>> ship = es.Ship(shuttle)  # make a copy to avoid modifying the template
>>> ship.<tab><tab>
ship.Acceleration(          ship.Hull(                  ship.Mass(
ship.AddCrew(               ship.HyperdriveFuel(        ship.MaxReverseVelocity(
ship.Attributes(            ship.IdleHeat(              ship.MaxVelocity(
ship.BaseAttributes(        ship.IsBoarding(            ship.MaximumHeat(
... and many more, see header files for documentation
>>> ship.Attributes().Attributes()
<endless_sky.bindings.Dictionary object at 0x1087392f0>
>>> dict(ship.Attributes().Attributes())
{'bunks': 6.0, 'cargo space': 20.0, 'drag': 1.7000000000000002, ...}
>>> ship.SetName("Summer Breeze")
>>> x.Name()
'Summer Breeze'

Warning: endless_sky.bindings contains non-resetable singletons like GameData, so once you load some data (directly with GameData.BeginLoad(), with a load_data, or indirectly with a parser function) you can't unload that data without exiting Python.

Command line use

Loading data files:

% echo -e 'ship Rocket\n\tattributes\n\t\tdrag 10' > myData.txt
$ python -m endless_sky load --empty-resources myData.txt  # only prints ships atm
'Rocket': {'drag': 10.0, 'gun ports': 0.0, 'turret mounts': 0.0},
$ python -m endless_sky load -- --resources ~/endless-sky
{'Aerie': {'bunks': 28.0,
           'capture attack': 1.8000000000000003,
           'capture defense': 2.4000000000000004,
           'cargo space': 50.0,
$ # In order to parse a file with vanilla outfits defined, use --resources
$ python -m endless_sky load --resources ~/endless-sky myData.txt
{'Aerie': {'bunks': 28.0,
<'Rocket' is somewhere in here>

Runing the game and a Python interpreter at the same time:

$ python -m endless_sky run --resources ~/endless-sky --default-config

Building from source

git clone --recursive git@github.com:thomasballinger/endless-sky-bindings-python.git
cd endless-sky-bindings-python


brew install libmad libpng jpeg-turbo SDL2 openal-soft


sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-turbo8-dev libopenal-dev libmad0-dev libglew-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev uuid-dev


Invoke-WebRequest https://endless-sky.github.io/win64-dev.zip -OutFile win64-dev.zip
Expand-Archive win64-dev.zip -DestinationPath . -Force
Remove-Item win64-dev.zip

cd endless_sky/endless-sky
patch -p1 < ../../patch.diff
cd ../..
pip install 

Dev notes

Updating the Endless Sky patch

These bindings use a patched version of Endless Sky to patch out threads and make a few other changes.

To update the patch:

  • make changes in the submodule at endless_sky/endless-sky
  • with that directory as the working directory, run git diff > ../../patch.diff

This is likely to be necessary after updating the version of Endless Sky used.

This patch is intended to be the minimum to make Python bindings work; if this repo is combined with Emscripten-compiled JavaScript bindings at a later date it will need to be expanded.