
Simple logging using env variables

environment-variables, logging, python
pip install env-color-logger==0.0.1



Latest Release env_color_logger on pypi MIT License Python package tests

A simple logger that prints colored messages to the console and uses environment variables to control the basic setup.

See example.env for a list of environment variables that can be used to control the logger.


env_color_logger on pypi wheel

pip install --upgrade env_color_logger


The usage in Python is very basic. Just import the logger and use it as you would use the standard logging module. The logger will automatically use the environment variables to configure itself. This is done to aid in development of apps that are run in isolated environments, such as Docker containers.

from env_color_logger import EnvLogger

logger = EnvLogger(__name__)
logger.info("Hello World!")


Python Versions

Tested with & designed for python 3.10, see requirements.txt for additional dependencies


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Warranty / Liability / Official support

This project is being developed independently, we provide the package "as-is" without any implied warranty or liability, usage is your own responsibility

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