
Easily convert differt time-range format to standard ones

env, converter, time-range, time, python
pip install env-time-converter==0.1.6


PyTime Converter

codecov Build Status

Easily manage different time interval values and convert them to milliseconds.

How To use

Available time formats

Unit Measure Allowed Sigles default
milliseconds ms , milliseconds, sec X
seconds seconds , s, sec
minutes min , minute, minutes
hours h , hours, hrs, hour
days d , days, day
years y , years, yrs, year
  • Simply using the get_milliseconds_value_for_input with the string value to convert. The below example use the number value 90 and the sigle s.
from pytime_converter.service.convert_service import get_milliseconds_value_for_input

job_time =  '90 seconds' 

assert 90000 == get_milliseconds_value_for_input(job_time)
  • When the time measure unit is missing the default value is milliseconds
from pytime_converter.service.convert_service import get_milliseconds_value_for_input

assert 90 == get_milliseconds_value_for_input('90')

# Using seconds
assert 9000 == get_milliseconds_value_for_input('9 seconds')
assert 9000 == get_milliseconds_value_for_input('9 s')
assert 9000 == get_milliseconds_value_for_input('9 sec')

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • Poetry >=0.12
  • Python ^3.5
  • Virtualenvwrapper or other virtualenv environment
  • make utility


  • Install it with pypi

    pip install pytime-converter
  • Or Clone/download the repository

    git clone https://github.com/massicer/Env-Time-Converter.git

    Install project package

    make install

    or without the make utility

    poetry install

Running the tests

Clone the rempo and simply type

make test



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details