
Interface the UK Govenment EPC api

pip install epc-api-python==1.0.1



Simple python client to interface with the EPC data API.

API docs for the domestic api can be found here

API docs for the non-domestic api can be found here

You need to sign up with the EPC api which will provide you with an api key. You need to use the api key in conjunction with your sign up email address, or with the authorisation token that you are provided with to access the api


This package can be installed by running

pip install epc-api-python


Some usage examples can be found in the /examples folder

To set up the api import the EpcClient class an initialise the client by tunning

import dotenv
from epc_api.client import EpcClient

your_email = "email you signed up with"
api_key = "api you were emailed after sign up"

# I have auth_token in my environment
client = EpcClient(
    user_email=your_email, api_key=your_email_key, version="v1"

client.domestic  # interfaces with the domestic url https://epc.opendatacommunities.org/api/<version>/domestic/
client.non_domestic  # interfaces with the non-domestic url https://epc.opendatacommunities.org/api/<version>/non-domestic/

There are three main functions that you should use. They are used identically for both the domestic and non-domestic urls. These are search, certificate and recommendations, which access the /search, /certificate and /recommendations urls respectively. Detailed description of these urls can be found in the api documentation however each of these functions can be used immediately, for example

search_resp = client.domestic.search()

# Test the certificate endpoint
# Use the first lmk_key which is provided as a response from /search
lmk_key = search_resp["rows"][0]["lmk-key"]

certificate_resp = client.domestic.certificate(lmk_key=lmk_key)

# Test the recommendations endpoint with the same lmk_key
recommendation_resp = client.domestic.recommendations(lmk_key=lmk_key)

The client can be set up with multiple mime types, with the default value being application/json. If this value is supplied, the json data is parsed and returned in a list/dictionary format, however for other mime types, the user is presented the content back and it's up to the user to parse the response in a suitable fashion. Some examples of handling different mime types of have provided in /examples.